
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Top 100 Music Videos, #30 - 21

Christopher Walken: Redefining 'Dancing With the Stars.'

We're getting to the business end of our countdown boys and girls. After today we've hit the Top 20 and there will only be two posts to go! What exciting, intriguing, spectacular, amazing videos do we have waiting for us today? Let's find out...

#30 - Everlong (1997)
by Foo Fighters

Michel Gondry is known for his surreal and unique music videos, making a name for himself with his work for The White Stripes, Bjork, Massive Attack and Radiohead (to name but a few of his collaborations). I should have known that he was the man behind the video for 'Everlong' but never did until "research" was conducted for this countdown. You know when I say research, I mean Wikipedia, right? Good. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to discover Gondry was the force behind 'Everlong,' the greatest video in the Foo Fighters catalogue. Grohl and Co. have given us some quality characters in comedy videos like 'Learn To Fly' and 'Long Road to Ruin,' but none can compare to those we see in 'Everlong.' Taylor Hawkins seems destined to drag it up for at least one song per album and let's just say I'm all for it. What? P.s. this isn't the last you've seen of Mr Michel Gondry...

Best Moment: I love how the bed explodes into Hawkins' drum kit towards the end!

#29 - Californication (2000)
by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Why didn't they ever make this into a real game? Seriously. It's got action, adventure... snowboarding! GTA: RHCP? Whatever, I would have bought it.

Best Moment: Underwater Kiedis punches a shark. Nice.

#28 - One Minute Man (2001)
by Missy Elliott

"Welcome to the Get Ur Freak On Hotel." We get ninja-Missy, gangsta-bellhop-Missy and my favourite, headless horsewoman-Missy. Missy's body getting down while her head hangs out on some bird cages is one of the most iconic scenes from a music video made in the last decade. If you're a hater, there's a good chance you're a one minute man. You might wanna see someone about that.

Best Moment: Missy rips her own head off!

#27 - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) (2009)
by Beyonce

I'm sure you're enjoying reading this and Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! Kanyegate... good times. Douchebaggery aside, West was right about 'Single Ladies' being an awesome video. If I was to say the video was way better than the actual song itself, would you throw a Kanye style hissy-fit? Well you can hissy and fit as much as you want... truth is, the video is at an iconic level that the song will never reach. Oh, contrary to popular belief (a belief that I may or may not have perpetuated), one of the dancers is NOT Beyonce's male make-up artist.

Best Moment: Not a moment, but trying to figure out what weapon Beyonce has on her arm and if she'll use it to take out the back-up dancers is... something that I'm likely to be the only one thinking about. Never mind.

#26 - Did It Again (1997)
by Kylie Minogue

It's the battle of the Kylie's, as Indie, Cute, Dance and Sex (aka Little Miss Chievious) duke it out for our entertainment. Who's your favourite? I'm definitely leaning toward Little Miss Chievious.

Best Moment: Dance Kylie... because she's sassy. Jokes, when the fight really starts is the best part.

#25 - Do The Evolution (1998)
by Pearl Jam

And that children, is the true history of the world. Ok, not really... computers aren't going to unleash cables that will make you their slaves. Or will they? Todd McFarlane earns his second place on the list (after 'Freak On A Leash' and with that can be named the best music video animator ever. What McFarlane and co-director Kevin Altieri created for 'Do The Evolution' is the perfect fit for the song. Want to know how the world could end and you don't want to watch a crappy movie like 2012? Watch this video!

Best Moment: World leaders are really puppets controlled by death. And puppets isn't a metaphor. 

#24 - Push It (1998)
by Garbage

This is just out of control... crazy... bizarre... and the perfect Garbage video. 'Push It' sees the band go all Twilight Zone, with Manson getting it on with a fuzzy guy and a dude with a light-bulb for a head. She even has a little fuzzy one and another kid that's got Dad's light-bulb head syndrome. Then there's all the missed opportunity X-Files going on around them. This is weird, but it's something only Garbage could have pulled off.

Best Moment: The black-and-white cemetery seance. What is going on?!

#23 - Treat Me Like Your Mother (2009)
by The Dead Weather

Jack White and Alison Mosshart get trigger happy on a field. Translation; they shoot the crap out of each other. What's there to analyse?

Best Moment: Jack White taking a moment to let the sun shine through his many, many bullet holes. And then he just prances off into the distance... damn unkillable hipsters. 

#22 - Take On Me (1985)
by A-Ha

For 1985, the special effects in this are pretty impressive. Rotoscoping, blending pencil-sketch animation and live action sequences was used to create the comic come to life look throughout and you can't deny that it's kind of cool. Rotoscoping, your word for the day.

Best Moment: 0.58 - The way she raises her eyebrows when the comic character winks at her is priceless.

#21 - Weapon of Choice (2001)
by Fatboy Slim

Again, what's there to explain. It's Christopher Walken. It's Christopher Walken dancing! It's the best video you're going to see today and you'd better enjoy it, or Mr. Walken may be forced to stab you in the face with a soldering iron!

Best Moment: I told you, I'm not a superhero, I'm Christopher Walken. Further proof that all actors can fly.

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