
Monday, 25 July 2016

Top 25 - 25 July, 2016

The Naked and Famous!

1. The Naked and Famous - Higher

2. James Vincent McMorrow - Rising Water

3. Sarah Belkner - Time (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: "Time is what you make of it, time has let you down." We've loved what Sarah Belkner has been putting out into the music world over the past couple of years. Her vocal work is awesome, she's a wonderful songwriter and the atmosphere created on her tracks can take you out of your world and place you firmly in hers. Last year's Humans EP earned a lot of repeated listens and you should totally check it out when you get a chance. So yeah, big fan of what's come before... but this track right here, 'Time', is just really, really gorgeous and has me thinking that her upcoming debut album is going to be very special. Every element that makes up the song is as perfectly considered and crafted as each shot in the video that accompanies it. Sarah's vocals are as beautiful as ever, with an almost defeated restraint to help the words hit home with the listener. Listen out for a sneaky and welcome Brendan Maclean vocal cameo too, but that's definitely not him starring alongside Belkner in the Brian and Karl directed video. Just in case you thought it was? Anyway, can't wait to hear more from Sarah this year. And next year. And hopefully for many years after that too. (Matt Bond

4. Grouplove - Welcome To Your Life

5. The Lumineers - Cleopatra

6. Ross Henry - The Deep (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: Until this week, I didn't know who Ross Henry was. I mean, he may not be the first Ross Henry I've known, because I have a vague recollection that one of my favourite primary school teachers was called Mr Henry, but grade five was a long time ago, so pretty sure that Mr Henry isn't this Mr Henry. This Mr Henry, however, could become a different favourite of mine because after hearing the beautifully distant and warm feelings of 'The Deep', I may have found my newest favourite headphones on in the middle of the night sounds. There is something comfortably uneasy about these beats, a feeling of the clutches of insomnia combined with the captivity of sunrise and after reading Ross' words about how this was written; "on a peak between the earliest of mornings and the latest of nights", I'm so impressed with his way of turning feelings into sounds and times into vibrations. The confusing beauty of silhouettes and light in the clip are the perfect accompaniment to a song that has easily and quickly become the highlight of my week. Also, Mr Henry, if you know another Mr Henry who is a teacher, tell him I said hi. (Jo Michelmore)

7. Stonefox - Dreamstate (NEW)


8. Kid Runner - Give Me Something To Love

9. Feki ft. Dom Vino - You Got Me (NEW)


10. Babaganouj - Sorry

11. Emily Wurramara - Black Smoke

12. Cash Savage and The Last Drinks - Falling, Landing

13. Jack River - Talk Like That (NEW)


14. The Montreals - Lo-Fi (NEW)


15. The Winter Gypsy - Took Me By

16. Stevie - Decay

17. JP Klipspringer - Can't Be

18. Little May - Where Do You Sleep (NEW)


19. JOY. - Like Home

20. Justice - Safe and Sound

21. Regina Spektor - Bleeding Heart (NEW)


22. Rachael Yamagata - Nobody (NEW)


23. Ngaiire - House On A Rock

24. Montaigne - Because I Love You

25. Big Scary - The Opposite of Us

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Song Review - Like Home

Like Home
by Joy

Matt and I saw JOY at BIGSOUND last year. I'm not sure I had intentions to see her until Matt texted and said he had a seat, which is like an oasis and shining beacon at a night like BIGSOUND, filled with much music, manic dashing from venue to venue, very little sustenance and an awful lot of standing. Oh so much standing. So of course once said text was received, I battled my way from one side of the Valley to the other for the joy of seating...and for JOY. Now, my memory may be slightly hazy almost a year later, but while both of us were more impressed with the seats provided than the sound system in the venue that night, we both agreed her talent was obvious and it would only be a short matter of time before large groups of people would not be able to sit down when JOY appeared, because standing still with music like hers would be blasphemy, or something like that. Her new single 'Like Home' proves we were right; perfectly understated, her vocal simply stunning with a feel impossible to not move to. The clip is beautifully shot, apparently the story of what JOY gets up to at about three in the morning, which involves hanging about brick walls and gliding through the streets, apparently. Whatever she's doing, she makes it look as good as she sounds. Which is quite good.

Jo Michelmore gives 'Like Home' three and a half fries out of five...

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

It's My Kind Of Interview - Montaigne

Interview by Matt Bond

Hey Montaigne! Thanks for joining us for the third time over here at It’s My Kind of Scene. How is everything going in the life of Montaigne?

Montaigne: It’s a pleasure. I am well!

The last time we spoke (September, 2015), I was congratulating you on ‘Clip My Wings’ being the most played song on triple J. Two weeks ago the most played song was your current single ‘Because I Love You’. This isn’t so much a question as it is another congratulations. Congratulations!

Montaigne: Heh, thank ya!

What’s the response to 'Because I Love You' been for you? Is there a video coming and if so can you tell us a bit about it?

Montaigne: The response has been almost unanimously positive. I think people are almost, like, relieved to hear something that’s not so bizarre and left. Me too, really, haha. If there is to be a video it will probably be a lyric video. It may have me in it, it may also not. We shall see.

Your debut album Glorious Heights is set to be released August 5, 2016. How excited are you to get it out into the world?

Montaigne: I am 11 excited.

You've said the Life of Montaigne EP focussed on a number of themes concerning inner conflict. Are you still exploring this on Glorious Heights? What other aspects of you and the world are you looking at with this collection of songs?

Montaigne: This album is just about things in my life. Whether they be internal or external. Much the same as the EP, I think. That’s pretty much it. The songs are like pieces of a puzzle, and the complete picture is a life and all of its trials and tribulations.

Can you tell us a little something something about one of the tracks we haven’t heard to get us even more excited for the album?

Montaigne: I don’t really know what to tell you! Expect more 80s-inspired bangers and anthemic pop with strings on almost every track.

You’ll be taking Glorious Heights on the road from September, with the first stop as part of the Brisbane Festival on the 13th in The Spiegeltent. How did you get involved? Will you be checking out any of the other Brisbane Festival events while you’re in town?

Montaigne: Well, my booking agent booked me, haha. I don’t organise those kinds of things. And I think it’s probably gonna be a load in and get out kind of affair.

The rest of the tour takes you through to 15 October, with the final show in Melbourne at the Corner Hotel. What can fans expect from the shows?

Montaigne: I don’t like to answer this question. Come to the show and find out what happens! The most you should expect is a good show. Hopefully I shall deliver a GREAT show.

It’s been a huge couple of years for you, from the Life of Montaigne EP release through to now where you’re just about to release your debut LP. Looking back on everything you’ve learned about the music industry, if you could pass on some advice to an artist in the very early days of their career, what would you say?

Montaigne: Self-confidence is very important. With self-confidence comes the ability to assert yourself, to make bold creative decisions, to earn the respect and love of your peers and “superiors”. And self-confidence comes with effort. I am confident with myself because I have worked myself to a point where I can say that I am happy with my level of talent, with the way and level at which my mind and body work and feel, and with the way I speak to and treat people. I’ve also distinguished my primary interests and concerns. That’s helped me become the artist, and businesswoman, that I am today. Self-confidence does not come without hard, personal work.

You joined the Hilltop Hoods and Tom Thum on the 2x platinum ARIA-certified hit, ‘1955’. As a fan, it was amazing turning on the radio and hearing your voice EVERYWHERE. What was it like for you though? Did you turn on the radio and be like, “damn, that’s me!”

Montaigne: Not really because I don’t listen to radio much! And definitely not commercial radio. I tend not to get too excited by those kinds of things. It’s definitely cool, and I am thankful and appreciative of how big a deal it is! I just don’t get super excited. I feel like it’s symptomatic of a healthy mindset though. I don’t want to let things get to my head, there are things in my life that are much more important, like my mum surviving a hysterectomy, or my best friend getting out of a job she hates, or my dog being happy, or making music that resonates deep in my soul. I am more interested in personal and artistic success than commercial success. Of course commercial success is EXTREMELY important, and I need to make a living out of this thing I love to do if I am to continue doing it, and it’s IMPORTANT, just not more important than the emotional and spiritual needs of myself and my loved ones.


The song you’ve listened to the most this year is...
Montaigne: Even though I only found it like, two days ago, probably 'Control' by DRELLER! That shit is amazing.

If Donald Trump becomes President of the United States of America, the world is…
Montaigne: who bloody knows but the first word that comes to my mind is ‘fucked’.

The fictional character you most identify with is…
Montaigne: Rory Gilmore.

The last book you read was…
Montaigne: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley!

What the world needs now is…
Montaigne: go vegan.

After the release of Glorious Heights and once the tour has wrapped up… what’s next for Montaigne?

Montaigne: Oh gosh, god knows. I certainly don’t. It depends on how the album does, really.

We've got a feeling the album's going to do just fine. And we can't wait to hear it! The biggest thanks to Montaigne for answering our questions. Glorious Heights is out August 5 and don't forget that Montaigne will be heading out on tour this September/October... details below! 

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Top 25 - 17 July, 2016


1. James Vincent McMorrow - Rising Water

2. The Naked and Famous - Higher

3. Grouplove - Welcome To Your Life (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: I have a couple of bands in my favourites list that sit in a strange little section of love. They aren't bands that I know everything about, they aren't bands that I know every song in the back catalogue and they aren't bands that I usually name when people ask "who do you love?" - but they're important. Actually, they're really important, because, quite simply, they make me happy. While I don't know all of their songs, every song I hear makes me smile and whenever I get the chance to see them live I most definitely will, because I know a couple of hours of dancing and smiling is not to be missed. One of those bands is Grouplove, who never fail to impress me with their brand of simple pop rock and 'Welcome To Your Life' is no exception. Beats to make me sway and words to sing along to, it's not going to change the world, but it is going to make me smile whenever it pops up on my playlist or in my social media feed, which needs more smiles some days and maybe that's enough to change the world some days anyway. (Jo Michelmore)

4. Kid Runner - Give Me Something To Love

5. The Lumineers - Cleopatra (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: I haven't taken the time to listen to all of The Lumineers' latest album Cleopatra, but after the release of the title track I'm going to have to make that time. 'Cleopatra' is the kind of storytelling goodness I can't help falling for. It takes a look back on a life that saw highs and lows, with a healthy amount of love lost and just enough regret mixed in to start the slow breaking of your heart. And if the song's not enough to get at you, the beautifully shot and perfectly matched video surely will. "But I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life. And when I die alone, when I die alone, when I die I'll be on time." This ain't your 'Ho Hey' Lumineers, but this is excellent storytelling and a must listen for those folky-Americana fans. Now to go and listen to that new album... (Matt Bond)

6. Justice - Safe and Sound (NEW)

7. Cash Savage and The Last Drinks - Falling, Landing

8. Emily Wurramara - Black Smoke

9. Stevie - Decay

10. JP Klipspringer - Can't Be

11. Babaganouj - Sorry (NEW) 

12. JOY. - Like Home (NEW)

13. Ngaiire - House On A Rock

14. Montaigne - Because I Love You

15. PJ Harvey - Guilty (NEW)

16. Harts - Power (NEW)

17. Big Scary - The Opposite of Us

18. The Winter Gypsy - Took Me (NEW)

19. REMI - Substance Theory

20. Lanks - Bitter Leaf

21. M.I.A. - Go Off (NEW)


22. MKO Sun - Boom Pow

23. Bec Sandridge - You're A Fucking Joke

24. Sleeping At Last - Saturn

25. Feuds - River of Wine

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

It's My Kind Of Interview - Ngaiire

Ngaiire's glorious second album "Blastoma" was released last month and it's undoubtedly one of the finest works of music you're going to hear in 2016. It establishes the PNG born/Australian based artist as the Queen of the future soul scene around these parts and will make you smile, dance and cry... sometimes all at once. After wrapping up the "Blastoma" tour and still with a huge year ahead, we were stoked to be able to ask Ngaiire some questions about the album, trips to Israel and what comes next. Enjoy! 

Interview by Matt Bond

Ngaiire! Welcome back to It's My Kind of Scene and thank you for joining us. How are you on this hopefully fine day?

Ngaiire: Pretty good. A bit tired now that we’ve wrapped up the BLASTOMA tour. Been a wild wild ride so far.

Congratulations on the release of your spectacular sophomore LP Blastoma. How does it feel having it out there in the world?

Ngaiire: So proud. Being out on the road seeing what I’ve been able to see and hear how Blastoma has touched the lives of people who come to the shows. It's overwhelming when people come up to you crying after a show which happened quite a bit on this tour. I’m glad I’ve been able to heal some people through it.

Since we last spoke you've been super busy getting the album finished, dropping some top singles, headlining a national tour and cracking the triple J Hottest 100 (woo!) with 'Once'. What have been some of your favourite moments over the past year? Are you taking some time to relax after your current tour or is it straight back into the music making?

Ngaiire: Getting added on Triple J was a pivotal moment. I remember getting the news one morning from my manager then crying into my avocado on toast. I knew things were about to change after that. I’d like to say that I will be relaxing but I go straight into writing the next album this month as well as supporting Leon Bridges and doing Splendour and then Listen Out later this year. Unfortunately but fortunately I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping for the next 12 months.

'House On A Rock' is your current single, earning a ton of deserved play on the j's. What's the story behind the song?

Ngaiire: It’s about doomed relationships. The ones you lose yourself in whilst trying to find the other person. Love can be quite deceptive when you get humans involved.

I may have seen that a video is on its way for 'House On A Rock' that was filmed on location in Tel Aviv. What did you think of Israel and shooting the video over there? And... can we expect to see it soon?

Ngaiire: Israel is a spooky place. Lots of spiritual energy seeping up from the ground. I have family and friends living there but it was my first time visiting and there’s a lot of rawness to the place. Listening to stories from both the Palestinian and the Israeli sides was eye opening and heart breaking. The film clip, filmed in the Florentine area of Tel Aviv, actually drops this week.

You will be performing this September as part of the Maroochy Music and Vis Arts Festival. It's quickly found itself to be the Sunshine Coast's premier music event for the year and 2016 has a really exciting collection of acts. For those that will be lucky enough to attend, what can they expect from Ngaiire's set? And who else are you looking forward to seeing on the day?

Ngaiire: There’s some dancing, some dynamic rise and falls and I give the band a chance to sing in the set as well which is always fun for me. My band are all made up of songwriters and singers i.e. Chris Port the drummer is being spun on the daily at Triple J, Jack Grace is on the verge of doing spectacular things with his solo project as well as Billie and Christian the backing singers. I’d love to check out the ladies George Maple and Vera Blue. There seems to be some vibe around them right now and it’s always nice to support other gals who are on the grind like me.

There's been a lot of discussion over the past couple of months regarding the lack of female headliners on festival lineups. What has been encouraging to see is the response from artists within the Australian music industry to change the mindset of bookers and promoters so we can see some positive change on this front. What do you think should be done to foster equal representation and who are some leading ladies you'd like to see headlining festivals around Australia?

Ngaiire: Oh! I kinda touched on that in the last question. Well, your own voice is your most powerful weapon and as a female I think it’s my responsibility to keep big upping good female musicians who are making great music out there. Obviously I don’t want to live in a world that just puts female artists on headlining stages just because they HAVE to even if they’re not that great but I would think bookers and promoters DO need to be conscious about how inclusive they are to female artists. There are a few men who are standing up for us but I’d like to see more fly the flag of feminism.

What is the best piece of career advice you've been given and if you could impart some knowledge to up and coming artists that you've learned yourself, what would you say?

Ngaiire: Plan. A lot of artists have some idea as to where they want to go but not many people are very good at planning 3 to 6 months in advance. So what if your plans change half way through? It’s important to have a plan if in fact you want to make a long career out of this. And ask someone if you need help figuring out what your next step should be.

Quick Hits:

If you weren't making music you would be…
Ngaiire: An astronaut.

Your favourite place in the whole wide world is…
Ngaiire: Right now Israel.

One person you would love to write music with is…
Ngaiire: Sia.

The best song you've heard this year is…
Ngaiire: Sorry – Beyonce.

And finally, you love music because it gives you...
Ngaiire: The ability to change lives.

All of the thanks to Ngaiire for taking the time to answer our questions and for gracing our ears with "Blastoma". Her national tour might be over, but you can still get tickets to see her perform at the Maroochy Music and Visual Arts festival, which has an amazing line-up. Don't believe me? Check out the poster below and then apologise immediately!  You should go and give Ngaiire's Facebook page a like as well, if you haven't already. It's where we stole that totally awesome pic from above from.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Top 25 - 10 July, 2016

James Vincent McMorrow!

1. James Vincent McMorrow - Rising Water (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: James Vincent McMorrow falls into the 'better late than never' category of artists with me. Which really just means that while I had heard of the Irish singer over the past couple of years, I hadn't listened to his music... but then I finally did get around to hearing him and was blown away and had to go listen to everything he's ever put out. There's only so much music we can actually listen to in a week, but I'm glad I stumbled upon McMorrow. And it's better late than never, right? Oh and when I say stumbled upon McMorrow, I mean I heard his excellent cover of 'Wicked Game' in the Game of Thrones season six trailer. Which is totally stumbling upon someone. And now we can forget about that long-winded story and talk about McMorrow's new single, 'Rising Water'. The unexpectedly groovy number previews his third LP We Move, which is set for a September 2 release. I don't really know what to say about it, other than it puts a huge smile on my face each time I listen to it and JVM's voice is as close to happy as his haunted tones can sound. There's something about that voice against the groove-infused beat that is really working for me here and I cant' get enough. (Matt Bond

2. Stevie - Decay

3. Kid Runner - Give Me Something To Love (NEW)

4. Cash Savage and The Last Drinks - Falling, Landing

5. Emily Wurramara - Black Smoke

6. JP Klipspringer - Can't Be (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: While his career is still in its relatively early stages, I really like the stage that JP Klipspringer has reached. It's that sweet era where I've heard enough to know a Klipspringer track when I hear one, but I don't know him well enough to know what's next. 'Bury Me', the first track I heard of his way back in 2014, is one that still takes my breath away when it pops up randomly in my playlist and his EP Din Deafening from last year is one I still like to pop on when I need a slice of calmness in my life. After hearing his latest offering 'Can't Be', I suspect I'll be saying something similar about it in a few years time, with its plain and simply perfect indie pop (with a tinge of country) sensibilities, it is everything I expect from the talent of JPK; not really anything I expected but everything I love about everything I hear of his. His debut album due in September, will no doubt be one of my favourites of the year, so if you read nothing else I write in 2016, just know that album will be in my list of "best ofs" in December. Spoiler alert! (Jo Michelmore)

7. Big Scary - The Opposite of Us

8. Montaigne - Because I Love You

9. REMI - Substance Theory (NEW)

10. Ngaiire - House On A Rock

11. The Naked and Famous - Higher (NEW)

12. Lanks - Bitter Leaf


13. MKO Sun - Boom Pow


14. Old Sault - Sail Home


15. mallrat - For Real (NEW)


16. Bec Sandridge - You're A Fucking Joke

17. E^ST ft. mallrat - Get Money


18. SAFIA - Over You

19. Feuds - River of Wine (NEW)

20. Emma Louise - West End Kids


21. TEES - Got The Feeling

22. Sleeping At Last - Saturn (NEW-ish)

23. Alex Lahey - Let's Go Out

24. Wild Honey - Pull It Together

25. Running Touch - Levitate

Friday, 8 July 2016

Song Review - Give Me Something To Love

Give Me Something To Love
by Kid Runner
EP: Body Language (due 12/08/16)

I had originally written a bunch of stuff about how I first heard this song, but after a week where my social media feed has been filled with a whole lot of negativity and a whole lot of sadness because of the actions of a few on this little planet of ours, I am so very glad I write words about music and get to share those words with the small bunch of people who choose to read them. Because I know as well as anyone else that sometimes amongst the madness, what you need to do is re-focus, re-adjust your line of sight, close your eyes, not let the negativity win and do a little bit of jumping about. Up until a week ago I didn't know who Kid Runner were, but today, I'm really glad the gods of music sent them and their incredibly bouncy little song in an email. An absolutely addictive beat, a melody I actually, honestly cannot get enough of and a sound like every summer should be, in the middle of my cold, harsh southern winter and in the middle of a world that seems a little lost, I declare myself an immediate fan and am SO glad music like this exists. When the world seems like a crazy place, these are the types of songs we need and these are the types of words I suggest you turn up really loud and sing at the top of your lungs; "give me something to love!" because sometimes it's hard to remember, but there is actually lots and lots to love in our little world and Kid Runner have given us three minutes of it. Love. 

Jo Michelmore gives 'Give Me Something To Love' five handless dancing girl emojis out of five....

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

BIGSOUND Festival 2016 Preview

When: 7/8 September 2016
Where: Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Why? Because it's Brisbane's best music event. Duh.

We've said it before and we'll say it again; BIGSOUND puts on the two greatest nights of live music in Brisbane every year. Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 September sees 150+ music acts from diverse backgrounds putting on showcases for fans and industry professionals throughout the entire Valley precinct in Brisbane. The Zoo, Black Bear Lodge, Ric's Bar, The Foundry, The New Globe Theatre, that place that used to be the Mustang Bar, that place that used to be Monastery and heaps of other fun venues that may or may not have been called something else when I thought I was a hip, young thing heading out on the town. You get to go to all of them, depending on where your festival plan will take you. Or, you can have no plan and stumble upon some incredible acts that you'll love forever. It happened to us with the likes of Kira Puru, Machine Age, The Hello Morning and BAD//DREEMS. We also been able to witness star making turns from the likes of Tired Lion, Thelma Plum, Babaganouj, Little May, Tkay Maidza, Kingswood and Gay Paris. 

With the first artist announcement for the 2016 event released last month, we already know that our fifth trip to BIGSOUND is going to be incredible. I'm even going to be super prepared and take the Thursday/Friday off work so I can sleep in and be happy because you've got to consider these things when you're over 25, okay? You can check out the artists already announced here, you can go in the running to win flights to Brisbane and four tickets here and if you're keen to check out what's going on with the BIGSOUND conference, featuring talks from members of the music industry, you can read about that here

Who are we keen to see play live at BIGSOUND this year? Well, that is so nice of you to ask. And we are SO psyched to give you an answer. Here's ten hot picks from It's My Kind of Scene for this year's festival... 











Get your tickets early from the BIGSOUND site. We've got a feeling this year will sell out very soon and you do not want to miss this showcase of Australian music's best up and coming acts! Your comprehensive pass gets you access to the two showcase nights, plus entry to what should be a massive closing party on Friday 9 September at The Triffid! 

Monday, 4 July 2016

Top 25 - 4 July, 2016

Stevie + Cash Savage!

1. Stevie - Decay (NEW)


Jo's Pick of the Week: Admittedly, when I saw this duo's name, my first thought was "Nicks?" followed quickly by "Wonder?", which made me question whether I was just really old or dull, but when I started a google they were the two top suggested Stevies, so that made me feel a little bit better about myself and my clearly exceptional taste in music, which includes being a fan of  this track from Brisbane's own Stevie, neither of who is named Stevie, but rather Phoebe Imhoff and Miro Mackie, who have been hanging about together for a couple of years now creating some synth heavy addictive songs like this one. The clip is clean and dark, the sound is clear and dusky (if that's a word?) and nothing at all like Stevie of the Wonder or Nicks varieties, except to say it's very, very, very good. (Jo Michelmore)

2. Montaigne - Because I Love You

3. Cash Savage and The Last Drinks - Falling, Landing (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: I only had to listen to 'Falling, Landing' once to know that I had to get my hands on a copy of Cash Savage and The Last Drinks' new album One of Us. And by copy, I mean iTunes download, because it was the most immediate way of me hearing more of Savage's killer voice. Long story short, go and get yourself a copy/download/record/whatever of One of Us because it's one beauty of an LP. Back to what we're here for; 'Falling, Landing'. What a blues-infused, rock and rolling delight of a track. From the moment Savage's controlled and commanding voice makes its presence felt, I was invested 100% in everything on offer. The vaguely haunting and eventually manic strings build the track alongside the guitar and drums lines. Less vague in terms of a haunted quality are the lyrics and their country leanings. As we've previously discussed, country music is the music of pain and Savage twists that pain into something that feels accepted. Think of purgatory, but an eternity of repeated suffering that you've just come to accept is your lot in life. "Falling. Landing. Wounded, but still here. All in all, there will be another morning." I love the use of extended-ish instrumental segments and the use of spoken word behind Savage's singing in the third verse. It's different, but not experimental and weird for the sake of it. It's different, but different is exactly what we need to hear more of. Cash Savage and The Last Drinks, I'll leave it to your own words to sum up how happy I am to have you part of the musical landscape once more. "Welcome back, we're glad that you're here." (Matt Bond)

4. Emily Wurramara - Black Smoke

5. Big Scary - The Opposite of Us (NEW)

6. Ngaiire - House On A Rock

7. MKO Sun - Boom Pow

8. Lanks - Bitter Leaf

9. Old Sault - Sail Home (NEW)

10. E^ST ft. Mallrat - Get Money (NEW)

11. Emma Louise - West End Kids

12. Bec Sandridge - You're A Fucking Joke

13. SAFIA - Over You (NEW)

14. Aphex Twin - CIRKLON3 [ Колхозная mix ]


15. Wild Honey - Pull It Together

16. Alex Lahey - Let's Go Out

17. TEES - Got The Feeling (NEW)

18. Running Touch - Levitate

19. Alice Ivy ft. RaRa - Almost Here (NEW)

20. Bad Pony - Sideways

21. Ta-Ku and Wafia - Meet In The Middle

22. Gang of Youths - Strange Diseases

23. Allistere ft. Sabrina Michelle - Hesitated Sparks

24. Burn Antares - Young Gun

25. Passerine - Synthetic Heart

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Song Review - Levitate (It's All Too Perfect)

Levitate (It's All Too Perfect)
by Running Touch

As a young teenager with an interest in interesting things, I will admit my friends and I may have spent some time gathered in darkened rooms in old(ish) houses telling spooky stories and making someone lie down so we could all touch fingertips and say (in hindsight not very spooky) things in the hope the sucker who was lying on the floor would levitate, even if only a centimetre, or two. No one ever did. If Running Touch had existed when I was a young teenager, perhaps we would have all been pulled off the floor by the incredibly anxious need to surround ourselves with people and flashing lights and dance as soon as we hit play on his track 'Levitate (It's All Too Perfect)'. The track is apparently more about obsession than it is about teenage ghost stories, but either way, the only important thing is that this mystery producer, multi-instrumentalist and artist from Melbourne is touring the east coast soon (facebook can give you all the details) and while I can't promise he'll be doing any spooky levitating tricks at his shows, I can say he'd be well worth catching with beats like this to make you move.
Jo Michelmore gives 'Levitate (It's All Too Perfect)' three and a broken heart girl couples out of five....