
Thursday 21 July 2016

Song Review - Like Home

Like Home
by Joy

Matt and I saw JOY at BIGSOUND last year. I'm not sure I had intentions to see her until Matt texted and said he had a seat, which is like an oasis and shining beacon at a night like BIGSOUND, filled with much music, manic dashing from venue to venue, very little sustenance and an awful lot of standing. Oh so much standing. So of course once said text was received, I battled my way from one side of the Valley to the other for the joy of seating...and for JOY. Now, my memory may be slightly hazy almost a year later, but while both of us were more impressed with the seats provided than the sound system in the venue that night, we both agreed her talent was obvious and it would only be a short matter of time before large groups of people would not be able to sit down when JOY appeared, because standing still with music like hers would be blasphemy, or something like that. Her new single 'Like Home' proves we were right; perfectly understated, her vocal simply stunning with a feel impossible to not move to. The clip is beautifully shot, apparently the story of what JOY gets up to at about three in the morning, which involves hanging about brick walls and gliding through the streets, apparently. Whatever she's doing, she makes it look as good as she sounds. Which is quite good.

Jo Michelmore gives 'Like Home' three and a half fries out of five...

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