
Sunday, 29 May 2016

Top 25 - 29 May, 2016

Bec Sandridge, Garbage, Ngaiire + Wild Beasts!

1. Ngaiire - House On A Rock (NEW)

2. Gang of Youths - Strange Diseases

3. Bec Sandridge - You're A Fucking Joke (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: This right here is awesome. Actually, this right here is fucking awesome! Which shouldn't come as any surprise, given that it's a new track from Bec Sandridge... an artist who gets better and better with each new release. 'You're A Fucking Joke' is the anthem we needed, the anthem we deserve and the track that's going to be running through all of our minds when thinking about, talking to or even just looking at those that we know are absolute fucking jokes. I've had this song in my life for less than a week and already it's there in my head, waiting to be unleashed at a moment's notice. It starts with those keys, the driving beat of the percussion and what I'm pretty sure is a glockenspiel (because everything is better with a fucking glockenspiel, ok?!) before Sandridge starts telling us not to "let the fucker in" and you're thinking, "yeah, fuck that guy." And it builds spectacularly to what I'm thinking is my favourite segment in any song so far this year, when Bec finally unleashes on the fucking joke in question in her life. I know I've been taking advantage of the f-word quite a bit through this and that's all fun and games, but in all seriousness this song is ridiculously good, the race to the finish line is all kinds of amazing and there seems to be no stopping Bec Sandridge right now. Am I joking about that? No fucking chance. (Matt Bond)   

4. Miami - Happier

5. SS Sebastian - Nightmare of 1984

6. Wild Beasts - Get My Bang (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: Coming from a band whose song titles include ‘Brave Bulging Buoyant Clairvoyants’, ‘Woebegone Wanderers’ and my personal fave, ‘Hooting And Howling’; I admittedly didn’t expect a song titled ‘Get My Bang’, but I guess that kind of describes my relationship with Wild Beasts and my history with their music perfectly. With every song, with every album, just when I think I get it, along comes a hidden chord, a note I hadn’t heard before, a word I hadn’t noticed and bam, the discovery of them begins all over again, each discovery uncovering something new that I adore a little more. And so describes my thoughts on their latest offering, taken from what will be their fifth album Boy King, its subtly energetic feel is exactly what I like about Wild Beasts and its stupidly sleazy sense is exactly what I didn’t expect…which is exactly what I expected, if you see what I mean. (Jo Michelmore)

7. Tired Lion - Not My Friends

8. Cub Sport - Come On Mess Me Up

9. Jessie Frye - Big Bad Wolf (NEW)

10. Garbage - Even Though Our Love Is Doomed (NEW)

11. Luke Black - Demons

12. Tanzer - Johnny (NEW)

13. ELKI - Sirens (NEW)

14. Radiohead - Burn The Witch

15. Martin Solveig ft. Tkay Maidza - Do It Right

16. Sunday - Waiting For You (NEW)

17. Abbe May - Are We Flirting?

18. The Ruiins - It Is You

19. Alexander Biggs - Out of the Dark

20. Band of Horses - Casual Party (NEW)

21. Ball Park Music - Pariah

22. Little Earthquake - Honest

23. BANFF x Caitlin Park - My Love, My Lover

24. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall

25. REIKA - Silhouettes

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Song Review - House On A Rock

by Ngaiire
Album: Blastoma (out 10 June, 2016)

How come we never get far? We're talking a lot... 
Am I getting through? I said, I said, I said I'm talking to you.  

With only a little over two weeks until the release of Ngaiire's greatly anticipated album Blastoma, today we find ourselves treated to the third single, 'House On A Rock'. Following in the footsteps of 'Once' and 'Diggin', 'House On A Rock' only further solidifies Ngaiire's claim to the Future Soul crown. As much as I love the prior tracks (and there is A LOT of love for them), there's something about 'House On A Rock' that has immediately grabbed me and made me want to hear it pretty much every day until the end of time. Too much? I say it's too good! Do I tell you when I think you're being dramatic and exaggerating? No, I don't. So mind your business. Ngaiire's gorgeous voice and performance masks a darkness running through the beats and a sadness in the lyrics. It's a delicate balance that adds rewarding layers for you to uncover with the guaranteed repeated listens. So many repeated listens. 

You might initially be drawn to some of the more explosive elements, but the final repeats lines, "living on I love yous and recycled prayers," will throw you right back into the story of a relationship doomed to fail. That chorus is on another level too. The way it has more and more elements thrown in makes it feel like you're actually in the song and taking part in one massive, Ngaiire-led party. You won't ever want to leave. Meanwhile, I see on the StalkerFacebooks that Ngaiire's just shot a video in Tel Aviv, which I'm assuming is for 'House On A Rock' and I'm not assuming/I'm already knowing is going to be out of this world good. Bring on Blastoma

Matt Bond gives 'House On A Rock' five red wine emoji out of five...   

Monday, 23 May 2016

Top 25 - 23 May, 2016

Gang of Youths!

1. Gang of Youths - Strange Diseases (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: We really weren't expecting to hear new music from Gang of Youths so soon after last year's release of their debut album, The Positions. But we've come to expect the unexpected from one of the world's finest bands and here we are with 'Strange Diseases', the first taste of the upcoming EP, Let Me Be Clear (out August 19, 2016). Brilliant, exhilarating and engrossing in the same way that, say, 'Magnolia' totally worked its way into your heart and soul and made you want to dance one minute and then think about all of the things you might not spend the time you should be thinking about them the next... 'Strange Diseases' might mean many different things to many different listeners, but the best part is that there's going to be many, many listeners. Gang of Youths are already over in the UK, taking one of the best live music experiences you can bear witness to with them. Then they're heading to the USA before what should be a triumphant return to Australian shores for Splendour in the Grass. A huge song from a band with a huge year (more like years) ahead of them. (Matt Bond)  

2. Miami - Happier

3. SS Sebastian - Nightmare of 1984 (NEW)


4. Tired Lion - Not My Friends

5. Abbe May - Are We Flirting (NEW)


6. Radiohead - Burn The Witch

7. Radiohead - Daydreaming

8. Luke Black - Demons (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: I've still not recovered from the fact that Eurovision is done again for another year and I now have 51 more weeks to wait until the finals next year, so when we received an email starting with the words "Serbian pop alchemist Luke Black..." it was pretty much a sure bet I was going to press play in the hope of feeding a slight addiction to all things European pop that happens to me every year at around about this time. I couldn't name you another Serbian artist (not counting ones that have competed in Eurovision) let alone one I like without some googling, and even that didn't really help me, so Luke is already winning in my world. His brand of electronica and pop, with its unique and somewhat dark take on things makes 'Demons' a track I genuinely like, not just one that reminds me of hilarious nights in European bars. Note to self: research more Serbian sounds, all year round. (Jo Michelmore

9. REIKA - Silhouettes

10. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall

11. Martin Solveig ft. Tkay Maidza - Do It Right (NEW)


12. BANFF x Caitlin Park - My Love, My Lover

13. Ball Park Music - Pariah

14. Alexander Biggs - Out In The Dark

15. The Ruiins - It Is You (NEW)


16. Hayden Calnin - Caution Cares

17. Cub Sport - Come On Mess Me Up (NEW)


18. Little Earthquake - Honest

19. George Maple ft. GoldLink - Sticks and Horses

20. GANZ ft. Maribelle - Light Years

21. The Creases - Impact (NEW)


22. Gallery Circus - Holland On Fire

23. Sara Hartman - Satellite

24. The Raffaellas - Control (Had It, Lost It)

25. Winters End - Walls

Friday, 20 May 2016

Song Review - Nightmare of 1984

Nightmare of 1984
by SS Sebastian

This one has been circling around my head for a little over a month now, me desperately trying to figure out what to make of it and how to write about it because it's been playing with my consciousness and haunting me with its somehow so normal and somehow so haunting clip and its so subtly eerie sounds lingering in my thoughts. “You forget all about things the older you get, is it true?” has been the whispered lyric I haven’t been able to shake, making me think of years gone past and the things that shape us all, the moments that make up memories and the memories that make up more than they should be. But I don’t really know what it’s about. I just know what it sounds like to me. I’m not even sure if 1984 was a good year or a bad year, but I guess the numbers aren’t as important as the words. With some very simple repeated keys, SS Sebastian has created something outstanding and with a few lines here and there, has created something incredibly unpretentious, a little tale of questions and musings that has had me wrapped around its little finger for weeks now and I’m embarrassingly impressed with how many times I’ve come back to watch this clip and hear those voices. “I’m 34 and I’m sure I don’t have any more things to do…” but that’s not true. A song this impressive means SS Sebastian has so many more tales to tell and so many more listeners to find, which shouldn’t be hard with music this remarkable.
Jo Michelmore gives 'Nightmare Of 1984' five dancing handless ladies out of five...

Thursday, 19 May 2016

SELF-REVIEW - Dreams Out of Reach

It's no secret we've been a bit slack around here with the review lately. We've been busy with... stuff. Work? Stuff. Anyway, The Raffaellas decided to be total champs by doing us a solid and reviewing their new 'Dreams Out of Reach' EP for us. Peak laziness on our part or the bright, new future of music journalism? Only time will tell, but for now... here's vocalist Pat Santamaria's review of his own band's EP. Enjoy! 

by The Raffaellas
and reviewed by The Raffaellas' Pat Santamaria

There is very little to disagree with about The Raffaellas’ latest unrequested musical proffering, ‘Dreams Out of Reach’. The four-track (four and a quarter if we’re being generous) EP unceremoniously slipped into the otherwise vibrant Australian music scene earlier this year and took its place within the somewhat-heard-of- in-Melbourne- but-for- the-most- part-anonymous band scene with a quiet, defeated dignity; like that drunk guy at the party who won’t leave even though he has clearly pissed himself, so just tries to ‘hang’ outside; ‘Nah, nah, let’s stay out here, it’s really nice out here…’

This EP is an ‘older’ EP for the four Melbourne musicians, principally in that they have aged since their previous release. This is a clever move by the group. It utilizes the general passage of time to ensure that the word ‘mature’ might be used to describe the actual music. The hiatus between releases turns out to have been a deliberate ploy, with the band hoping that excitement levels in the Australian music scene would spike in the lead up to the release. Indeed, punters ranged from ‘Oh, are they still kicking around?’ to ‘Yeah like I spose I’d listen but I probably wouldn’t go see them… does that make sense?’

While ‘Dreams Out of Reach’ certainly is a more polished sound for the edgy-as-a-beach- ball foursome (a positive mostly attributable to producer, Oscar Dawson’s having a hand in things), can the sound be called more mature? Not necessarily. The EP does, however, feature a brief instrumental intro-track, which sounds something like an idea that a mature band might have. Oddly enough, it is a highlight (and not just because it’s over quickly, which thankfully, it is).

The EP’s title ‘Dreams Out of Reach’ is plucked unwillingly from a verse lyric in the EP’s opening track, ‘Control (Had it, Lost it)’. This track is by no means a disaster. Santamaria’s vocals are on point, if not a touch uninteresting. Though as a vocalist he has some ability, his expression is at times as though he has adopted the practice almost by necessity; like the amputee learning anew to write with his left hand. At least he sounds like he means it. The lyrics, in short, are weird; the chorus posits the repetitious hypothetical –‘if I followed you all night’. While some things in the annals of music should be done all night (love making, dancing, rock and rolling, generally party practice, and any séance worth its money), following someone around is probably not one of them. If it’s a metaphor, we don’t get it. Sounds more like a threat; a threat from the guy who earlier notes that, ‘you’re playing unobtainable, but it keeps me occupied’. Stay away from this man.

Fortunately, if not awkwardly, the mood lightens. ‘Streams’, the first single from the EP is, as it sounds, a stream of consciousness. The Raffaellas’ upbeat songs have a tendency to rely on a singular, repeated phrase constituting a chorus. It’s not a new concept - and not necessarily one to hate - but is this lyrical laziness? Probably. ‘Streams’ shuffles along adequately, not asking too much of the listener, but not necessarily disappointing them either. The song is at its strongest at the mid-point instrumental section, where a lead guitar line repeats itself over a series of swelling minor chords over-washed with reverb. Dawson’s production is also best here.

Other moments of note in the EP occur at the commencement of ‘Happiness/Hollow Sound’ where an interesting chord progression meets Santamaria’s monotonal, melancholic melody to decent effect. ‘Singing in the Blood’ - a song about how love changes with age (the title snatched from a Paul Kelly b-side) – marries War on Drugs with Springsteen with Real Estate and Cloud Control.

The EP is a good one given The Raffaellas’ history; or at least, as previously noted, it isn’t disagreeable. This, however, might be the ultimate problem for the band (and for others like them). Perhaps these days bands, musicians - artists of any sort - must either do something entirely disagreeable or entirely great. This is what people respond to. ‘Dreams Out of Reach’ is entirely neither. Thus, the dilemma for The Raffaellas: what to do? Do you keep doing what you’re doing? Keep writing music as it comes? Or do you try to elicit a response? Ride the trends, or dash them? The Raffaellas should decide. Apparently they are nice guys. Apparently they can play live. This EP, however, just doesn’t answer any questions.


A tad critical? We think so. You can decide for yourself when you get your hands on the 'Dreams Out of Reach' EP over at Bandcamp. Not only is it excellent music (there's our quick review), but you get to support local music. Everyone's a winner!  

Monday, 16 May 2016

Top 25 - 16 May, 2016

BANFF + Caitlin Park!

1. Radiohead - Burn The Witch

2. Tired Lion - Not My Friends

3. Radiohead - Daydreaming

4. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall

5. Miami - Happier (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: This one comes highly recommended by one of our most favourite music loves, Kira Puru. So you know it's going to be pretty damn good. Because Kira Puru knows her shit, alright. And yeah it's totally a song that lives up to it's title, because I'm listening to it and I'm feeling happier for it. "Who are Miami?" you ask? Well, after some extensive Facebook stalking (the 'about' page) I can tell you that Miami is made up of Oliver Harlan and Louis Genet and they're either in London or Melbourne. Add in NY/LA and they're every 18 year old I "don't" follow on Instagram. Their Facebook also lists them as the recipients of the 'Most handsome number 1 sexy' award and you only need to look at the video to see why. Check out those moves. Damn, Oliver or Louis. Anyway, like I said earlier with less words, 'Happier' is one electronic romp that's going to put a smile on your face. Despite the song asking the questions, "are you happier now? And have you made up your mind? And are you happy without me, girl?" it maintains a killer, upbeat vibe and I'm digging this. A lot. I promise to do some proper research into Miami when I can stop listening to this song. It might not be for a while. (Matt Bond)

6. Ball Park Music - Pariah

7. REIKA - Silhouettes (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week:
So I stumbled across a song this week that kind of summed up the day-slash-week I was having, which is to say it started quietly and after a slow build, grew into a little bit of mania, so therefore matched my mood kind of perfectly, which meant I had to do some googling to find out who this Reika are. Reika is apparently a cosplay character (who knew? Millions of facebook fans apparently) but they are also a group that they themselves or their management describe as a "four piece party rock band from Melbourne". I don't know if that's a fair description after hearing 'Silhouettes', which sounds more "gatherings with numerous friends" than "party rock". Guess that doesn't have the same ring, so who am I to say? Oh well, good song but. (Jo Michelmore)

8. Alexander Biggs - Out In The Dark

9. BANFF x Caitlin Park - My Love, My Lover (NEW)

10. Hayden Calnin - Caution Cares (NEW)

11. Little Earthquake - Honest

12. GANZ ft. Maribelle - Light Years (NEW)

13. George Maple ft. GoldLink - Sticks and Bones

14. Gallery Circus - Holland On Fire

15. Hayden Calnin - Ultra-Beast

16. Garbage - Empty

17. Sara Hartman - Satellite (NEW)

18. Rainbow Chan - Last (NEW)

19. The Raffaellas - Control (Had It, Lost It)

20. Chvrches - Warning Call (NEW)

21. Charlotte Carpenter - Am I Alone In This? (NEW)

22. Phebe Starr - Feel My Love

23. Halcyon Drive - Books For The Holidays

24. Winters End - Thoughts

25. Gordi - Wanting

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Top 25 - 8 May, 2016


1. Radiohead - Burn The Witch (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: I suppose it depends on who you follow and what you like but I know my personal social media feed had a minor meltdown last week with the release of Radiohead’s first single from what will be their eighth album, their first in five years. And because of that, I’m not going to offer my opinions about what I think of ‘Burn The Witch’ because everyone who’s had an opinion about music in the last twenty years seems to have expressed that opinion about this in one way or another all over the internets and all over my socials for the past few days. I will simply say this; when I hit play on this crazily eerie little clip and heard those introductory sounds I gasped and when I heard that so very familiar voice of Thom’s and those words “this is a low flying panic attack” I sighed, because within all its drama and almost joyful aching, this song made me remember everything and all that was and all that is Radiohead. And oh how I have missed them. (Jo Michelmore)

2. Tired Lion - Not My Friends (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: Our favourite Aussie rockers return with another top tune that we know we're going to have on repeat for a long time to come. Yep, Tired Lion are showing no signs of slowing down after signing to Dew Process. They've announced a national tour that kicks off May 19 in Melbourne, they're heading over to Europe in June and July for a big tour that includes a slot on the line-up for a little known festival called GLASTONBURY (!!!) and they've released the instantly appealing track 'Not My Friends'. 'Instantly appealing' doesn't even come close to describing how much love I had for it, right from the opening guitar lines. Shades of 90s goodness, another showstopping vocal performance from Sophie Hopes and a chorus that you know you're going to be singing along to when you next see these local legends live. Did I mention they're on tour at the end of this month? Go and see them before they go to Europe and those damn Europeans fall in love with them and then we won't get to see them that often because they'll be sipping an espresso in Paris and then walking their French bulldog in New York City. Wait, that's Melissa George's life... Forget her, embrace Tired Lion and this awesome new song, go see them live in a couple of weeks and wish them all the best before they head on over to Europe! (Matt Bond)

3. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall

4. Ball Park Music - Pariah (NEW)


5. Garbage - Empty

6. Little Earthquake - Honest

7. George Maple ft. GoldLink - Sticks and Horses

8. Alexander Biggs - Out In The Dark (NEW)


9. Hayden Calnin - Ultra-Beast

10. Gallery Circus - Holland On Fire

11. The Raffaellas - Control (Had It, Lost It)

12. Feral Love - Like The Wind (NEW)


13. Halcyon Drive - Books For The Holidays (NEW)


14. Phebe Starr - Feel My Love

15. Radiohead - Daydreaming (NEW)


16. Gordi - Wanting

17. Winters End - Thoughts

18. ANONHI - Drone Bomb Me (NEW)


19. The Love Junkies - I Had A Party Once (NEW)


20. Sara Hartman - Monster Lead Me Home

21. Youngsmith - Red

22. Nocturnal Tapes - Pattern (NEW)


23. Alex Watts - Hopeful

24. The Tambourine Girls - Police

25. The Paper Kites - Renegade

Friday, 6 May 2016

Song Review - Like The Wind

Like The Wind
by Feral Love

Admittedly, I did spend half an hour or so youtubing scenes from Dirty Dancing after reading the title of this song, which clearly has no relation to 80s power ballads named ‘She’s Like The Wind’ sung by the 80s version of Ryan Gosling, and has much more to do with moments of synth laden dance music that makes you want to throw your fist in the air and twirl, or whatever it is people do these days when they like such things. Each chorus of 'He’s Like The Wind' makes me think less and less of Patrick Swayze (and the last time I attempted that dance and famous lift) and more and more of another 80s icon, Kate Bush (and the last time I attempted to dance and flail as wonderfully as Ms Bush), but that’s a really good thing, because both of those people and all of those moves sat on opposite edges of the word icon thirty years ago and there are much worse icons from the 80s that Feral Love could be compared to. This duo from the UK apparently sprung from the ashes of another band and if this song is anything to go by, formed a band I probably like better anyway. Ultimately, ‘Like The Wind’ has absolutely nothing to do with 80s cinema and everything to do with big hearted electro pop, but I like both of those things anyway, so really, it’s all good all around today. (Jo Michelmore)
 Jo Michelmore gives 'Like The Wind' four pizzas out of five...

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Song Review - Thoughts

by Winters End

I love big, over the top and excessively dramatic 80s ballads. Who doesn't, right? Think Heart's 'Alone' or Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. The most epic of all tracks, but in a style that only really worked in the 80s and into the early 90s when everyone's hair was big and the shoulder pads were even bigger. But say you could take the spirit of that style and apply it to a perfectly modern sound that remains jam packed with emotion and feelings that are missing from much of the soulless productions today... what would you get? You'd get 'Thoughts' by Winters End. That's what you'd get. 

A piano-led rock ballad that builds into something so much more than what you'd expect, which actually makes it perfectly in line with what we've come to expect from Marissa and Chris Pinto. Expect the unexpected and find yourself suitably impressed with the awesome music they're making. Since the sibling duo came to our attention with the track 'Walls' in 2014, we've been loving their storytelling abilities, Marissa's passionate vocal performances and Chris' sure and steady percussion driving the tracks along. While we can certainly enjoy all of those things on 'Thoughts', we're also treated to a superb guitar solo that Slash would be proud of and Marissa finest vocal performance to date. You can feel her confusion, her heartbreak and her final acceptance of a relationship coming to an end. 

Winters End continue to make waves with another unique and special track to add to their collection. We had 'Walls' in 2014 and 'Mayfair' in 2015. Hopefully we'll have plenty more Winters End goodness to go with 'Thoughts' in 2016. You can also see them touring the track through May and June, with details on their Facebook page
 Matt Bond gives 'Thoughts' four rose emoji out of five... 

Monday, 2 May 2016

Top 25 - 2 May, 2016


1. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: We've been wanting to hear a whole lot more from OKENYO since we were treated to her booming single 'Just A Story'. That track quickly became one of our favourite songs of 2015 and it looks like OKENYO will feature prominently in our 2016 soundtrack with '10 Feet Tall'. The only fault I can find in it is that it ends. Seriously, I could listen to OKENYO all day. So I'll be repeating this just-over-three minute gem for quite some time. There's a lot to digest in a relatively short time. The story turns from a woman lost ("Every time she wants to see the stars, she's looking but she can't see further") to something far more empowering ("Had enough, can't see it, you blink and you'll miss it, but the thing is, she's not the kind to use her time lost inside"). Badcop's production is top notch, which is no surprise given his recent work alongside Tkay Maidza. And then there's Josh Harris' killer clip that stands with his best work for Gang of Youths. The ladies represented are cooler than cool, strong and unique. Which can definitely be said about '10 Feet Tall' and OKENYO herself. (Matt Bond)  

2. Little Earthquake - Honest

3. The Raffaellas - Control (Had It, Lost It)

4. Garbage - Empty

5. Gallery Circus - Holland On Fire (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: Admittedly, I only started listening to this track because the band’s name was Gallery Circus and something about those two words together intrigued me. I love a good gallery, not so much a circus, but maybe I would love a circus if it was in a gallery. Who can say? What I do love is a good guitar based song and something with a punch of sound, like a drumbeat that hits you in the guts and this song, ‘Holland On Fire’, taken from their soon to be released EP Chi-Town Dogs, certainly achieves all of those things. Identical twin brothers Daniel and Graeme Ross are the ones responsible for the smashing sounds, managing to make themselves sound more like four or five of each other than a simple pair. The backward and forward clip makes me feel a little bit of motion sickness, which is much more interesting than uncomfortable and overall it seems Gallery Circus are more than just intriguing and definitely much more awesome than your average gallery, or circus for that matter. (Jo Michelmore) 

6. Phebe Starr- Feel My Love

7. George Maple ft. GoldLink - Sticks and Horses (NEW)

8. Hayden Calnin - Ultra-Beast (NEW)

9. Gordi - Wanting

10. Winters End - Thoughts (NEW)

11. Alex Watts - Hopeful

12. Youngsmith - Red

13. Client Liaison - World of our Love (NEW)

14. Sara Hartman - Monster Lead Me Home

15. Landings - My Bones

16. The Paper Kites - Renegade (NEW)

17. The Tambourine Girls - Police (NEW)

18. Auguste - Kingdom

19. Sarah Blasko - I Wanna Be Your Man

20. Seavera - Caving

21. Sun Sap - Mexico

22. Emily Wurramara - Ngerraberrakernama (Wake Up)

23. The Temper Trap - Fall Together

24. Juke Jaxon - Memory Man

25. Alex Lahey - You Don't Think You Like People Like Me