
Monday 23 May 2016

Top 25 - 23 May, 2016

Gang of Youths!

1. Gang of Youths - Strange Diseases (NEW)

Matt's Pick of the Week: We really weren't expecting to hear new music from Gang of Youths so soon after last year's release of their debut album, The Positions. But we've come to expect the unexpected from one of the world's finest bands and here we are with 'Strange Diseases', the first taste of the upcoming EP, Let Me Be Clear (out August 19, 2016). Brilliant, exhilarating and engrossing in the same way that, say, 'Magnolia' totally worked its way into your heart and soul and made you want to dance one minute and then think about all of the things you might not spend the time you should be thinking about them the next... 'Strange Diseases' might mean many different things to many different listeners, but the best part is that there's going to be many, many listeners. Gang of Youths are already over in the UK, taking one of the best live music experiences you can bear witness to with them. Then they're heading to the USA before what should be a triumphant return to Australian shores for Splendour in the Grass. A huge song from a band with a huge year (more like years) ahead of them. (Matt Bond)  

2. Miami - Happier

3. SS Sebastian - Nightmare of 1984 (NEW)


4. Tired Lion - Not My Friends

5. Abbe May - Are We Flirting (NEW)


6. Radiohead - Burn The Witch

7. Radiohead - Daydreaming

8. Luke Black - Demons (NEW)

Jo's Pick of the Week: I've still not recovered from the fact that Eurovision is done again for another year and I now have 51 more weeks to wait until the finals next year, so when we received an email starting with the words "Serbian pop alchemist Luke Black..." it was pretty much a sure bet I was going to press play in the hope of feeding a slight addiction to all things European pop that happens to me every year at around about this time. I couldn't name you another Serbian artist (not counting ones that have competed in Eurovision) let alone one I like without some googling, and even that didn't really help me, so Luke is already winning in my world. His brand of electronica and pop, with its unique and somewhat dark take on things makes 'Demons' a track I genuinely like, not just one that reminds me of hilarious nights in European bars. Note to self: research more Serbian sounds, all year round. (Jo Michelmore

9. REIKA - Silhouettes

10. OKENYO - 10 Feet Tall

11. Martin Solveig ft. Tkay Maidza - Do It Right (NEW)


12. BANFF x Caitlin Park - My Love, My Lover

13. Ball Park Music - Pariah

14. Alexander Biggs - Out In The Dark

15. The Ruiins - It Is You (NEW)


16. Hayden Calnin - Caution Cares

17. Cub Sport - Come On Mess Me Up (NEW)


18. Little Earthquake - Honest

19. George Maple ft. GoldLink - Sticks and Horses

20. GANZ ft. Maribelle - Light Years

21. The Creases - Impact (NEW)


22. Gallery Circus - Holland On Fire

23. Sara Hartman - Satellite

24. The Raffaellas - Control (Had It, Lost It)

25. Winters End - Walls

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