
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Song Review - Thoughts

by Winters End

I love big, over the top and excessively dramatic 80s ballads. Who doesn't, right? Think Heart's 'Alone' or Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. The most epic of all tracks, but in a style that only really worked in the 80s and into the early 90s when everyone's hair was big and the shoulder pads were even bigger. But say you could take the spirit of that style and apply it to a perfectly modern sound that remains jam packed with emotion and feelings that are missing from much of the soulless productions today... what would you get? You'd get 'Thoughts' by Winters End. That's what you'd get. 

A piano-led rock ballad that builds into something so much more than what you'd expect, which actually makes it perfectly in line with what we've come to expect from Marissa and Chris Pinto. Expect the unexpected and find yourself suitably impressed with the awesome music they're making. Since the sibling duo came to our attention with the track 'Walls' in 2014, we've been loving their storytelling abilities, Marissa's passionate vocal performances and Chris' sure and steady percussion driving the tracks along. While we can certainly enjoy all of those things on 'Thoughts', we're also treated to a superb guitar solo that Slash would be proud of and Marissa finest vocal performance to date. You can feel her confusion, her heartbreak and her final acceptance of a relationship coming to an end. 

Winters End continue to make waves with another unique and special track to add to their collection. We had 'Walls' in 2014 and 'Mayfair' in 2015. Hopefully we'll have plenty more Winters End goodness to go with 'Thoughts' in 2016. You can also see them touring the track through May and June, with details on their Facebook page
 Matt Bond gives 'Thoughts' four rose emoji out of five... 

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