
Friday, 30 January 2015

Rant Lyfe: Twenty-One Years Ago

Twenty-One Years Ago
by Jo Michelmore

1994 was twenty-one years ago and twenty-one years ago mobile phones looked kinda like this

TV looked something like this

And you couldn’t mention a certain delicious treat without saying something like this

Twenty-one years ago, Princess Diana (who? I hear you say) was still alive, Kurt Cobian died (he's one of the guys who wrote the song Daniel Johns' killed last week) and Game Of Thrones sounded more like a nerdy board game than anything remotely interesting on the TV. Twenty-one years ago, this person wasn’t born yet

And twenty-one years ago, if you said the word blog people may have responded with "bless you" or probably questioned what you meant, let alone known you could read and write one. Twenty-one years ago, music sounded like this

And like this

And it also sounded like this

Yes friends, that’s Silverchair, led by Daniel Johns, twenty-one years ago, when they released their first single. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO. There’s a lot of things that have happened in that time. Where were you over twenty years ago? Not reading this on your phone. Not waiting for the next series of The Walking Dead. Certainly not checking facebook for your news or taking a photo of your lunch to put on instagram to show everyone how exciting your life is.

Twenty-one years ago Daniel Johns was fifteen years old. A pretty impressive fifteen, but fifteen nonetheless. Full of angst and attitude and not very fashionable and a little bit shy and all the things a fifteen year old from Newcastle who could play the guitar would be.

So why, this week, am I constantly reading about people referencing fifteen year old Daniel Johns to the thirty-five year old person who released his newest song ‘Aerial Love’? I know as humans we like to compare, I know a lot of music people slash music journos slash music bloggers can be lazy and merely copy and paste press releases and call it a job, but seriously? I’m so sick of hearing about Silverchair. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not the world’s biggest Daniel Johns fan, but the guy who released ‘Aerial Love’ this week has lived a lifetime between the song ‘Tomorrow’ and actual tomorrow.

There are people who were at JJJ’s Beat The Drum gig last week who weren’t alive when Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ was released (which might explain the people who actually liked Mr Johns’ cover, but that’s a whole other rant) and there are small people alive now who are the children of people who weren’t alive when Silverchair were screaming about Israel’s Son, whoever that was.

If you were the same person you were five, ten or twenty-one years ago, then I’d feel sorry for you, suggest you wake up a little, possibly see someone about your lack of ability to move on and I'd try and help you buy a new wardrobe. Daniel Johns has not worn flannel shirts, poorly fitted tees and shaggy hair for a very long time, and neither should you.

Daniel Johns' career has been up and down and round and about, he's already attempted to shake off the rock numerous times over and now, after eight years not releasing music, this week he did and it doesn’t sound anything like some of the other stuff he has released. It sounds like a smooth r‘n’b pop song; not rock, not electro, not any other genre or artist you want to name drop along the way and whether you like 'Aerial Love' or not (I'm still undecided) it's another direction for Daniel Johns and THIS IS A GOOD THING. This means he has grown as an artist, likes what he likes and can do whatever the fark he wants to do.

Love him, hate him or not really care either way (I sit somewhere in the middle of all that) can we stop talking about twenty-one years ago please? Silverchair, done. Daniel Johns, not done. And no, I don't know what the hat and net means either, but hashtag whatever. He's got another twenty-one years to shake off that fashion decision. #shakeitoffshakeitoff #wankwankwank #rantlyfe #rantdone

Thursday, 29 January 2015

A to Z of the 80s - B is for Because Bon Jovi

  Because Bon Jovi
by Jo Michelmore

We learnt early on in this alphabet that the 80s are responsible for a lot of what we like and see and do today, thirty years later. Nicki Minaj? Thank Whitney Houston. Iggy Azalea? Thank Poison. Skrillex? Thank Cyndi Lauper. It goes on and on. From fashion to music to food, a band who made a huge impact on the 80s, that don't get thanked enough? Hello Bon Jovi.

Remember when Britney and Justin did double denim circa 2001?

And remember when Katy Perry and that other guy copied circa 2014?

Because Bon Jovi, 1984....

And you know your favourite pair of short shorts that your butt hangs out the back of, which you think are really hot but actually make you look really cheap, that you bought from (insert chain store name here)?

Because Bon Jovi...


And you know how Harry Styles started styling himself on 80s icons? Bandana you say? 2014 you say?

Because Bon Jovi, 1988...

And you know that guy who could be a king someday and that girl who wants to be the Queen of Pop?

Because Bon Jovi...

And perhaps most surprising, you know your favourite form of carbohydrate, circa any time of day or night?

Well lay me down on a bed of pasta, you'll never guess. Because Bon Jovi's Dad...

And this, because Bon Jovi...


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Top 25 - 25 January, 2015

Lime Cordiale + Bjork!

1. Lime Cordiale - Hanging Upside Down (NEW)

2. Eves The Behavior - TV

3. Jeremy Neale - The News

4. The Belligerents - In My Way

5. Passerine - Set Me Alight

6. The Wombats - Greek Tragedy

7. The Grates - Holiday Home

8. Django Django - First Light

9. Wren - Here (NEW)


10. Sharon Van Etten - I Don't Want To Let You Down

11. Olympia - Honey (NEW)

12. The Kite String Tangle ft. Tiana Khasi - Stone Cold

13. Bjork - Stonemilker (NEW)

14. Anna O - Symphony (NEW)

15. George Maple - Vacant Space

16. Halcyon Drive - Crusoe

17. Halcyon Drive - Apart (NEW)

18. Sally Seltmann - We Are The Music

19. Ruby Boots - Middle of Nowhere (NEW)

20. Left. - Lay With Me

21. Arctic Maps - The Ocean Is My Cathedral

22. Laura Marling - False Hope (NEW)

23. Ed Wells - Sparrow and Seed

24. Years and Years - King

25. Jessie Ware - You and I (Forever)

Friday, 23 January 2015

Album Review - Silver City Sorrow

Silver City Sorrow 
by The Wild Comforts (available now)

We don’t review a lot of country music on this little blog of ours, which is kind of strange, considering both Matt and I have such a strong love of the sad song, because everyone knows the sad song makes us insanely happy and after all, country is the sound of heartbreak. Alas, not a lot of country music makes its way into our lives on a regular basis, but when it’s as good as the sounds of The Wild Comforts, I (not so) secretly hope for more and more.

Having been doing their country-fied thing since back in ’11, I’m kind of upset I’ve only just heard the sweet sounds of these four Melbournians. Where have I been the last four years? Clearly asleep, it seems. I was awoken by the soft strumming of guitar on ‘Broken Hill’, the first track from Silver City Sorrow. It’s a gentle introduction to the ten tracks that make up their second album, a classic sound which makes me sway like the best and wonder if it’s about the town of that name or a less literal broken hill, but either way there’s a little bit of sadness in there with words about missing people and places and the slowest, saddest beat and I just know I’m going to love this album if it’s all this soulful.

And it is. The super catchy words and harmonica on ‘Bombshell Motel’ makes me wanna hit the open road, the mid tempo country swag and references to shared women, wine and The Grateful Dead on ‘Easy To Pretend’ are delightful, the sing-a-long and make me wanna clap my hands and tap my feet rhythm of ‘Better Off Dead’ is addictive and the perfectly indie American with an Australian accent country twang across the entire album is just perfect.

But it’s the tender notes and sweet as honey harmonies on the single ‘Cossette’ that really won me over, because that’s the one that reached that crazy part of my brain that loves the depression in a good country sad song and loves the words that are more truthful than I’d like to admit; “there is ecstasy in the agony of love, have you had your fill, have you had enough, there is ecstasy in the agony of love…” It’s these kind of combinations of keys, guitars and words that I adore about that country thing, because there’s always something deliciously lonely about the sound which wraps me up in all its sadness and makes me completely comfortable.

So I might have been asleep for the last four years, but I’m going to make up for it now with my newest fave Australian country rock people. They know how to strum those guitars, hit those notes and create those sways that awesome country does. They also know how to do the sad song, which makes me so happy. Bring on the sad song, bring on The Wild Comforts and bring on the smiles.

Jo Michelmore gives Silver City Sorrow three and a half Dixie Chicks heads out of five…  

The Wild Comforts are just about to wrap up their Silver City Sorrow Tour with only a couple of shows left. Best head over to the gig guide and see if you can catch them live! 

Thursday, 22 January 2015

A to Z of the 80s - A is for All About That Hair

All About That Hair
by Jo Michelmore

Welcome back dear readers, to the second edition of what has now become the famous IMKOS A to Z (famous is relative). This time we're looking at everyones favourite decade whether you were there or not; the decade of decadence, synthesisers, rubix cubes, plastic jewellery, Frankie says, large shoulders, break dancing, MTV, Magnum PI, neon, Fido Dido, hypercolour, Care Bears and Gremlins...there's so much about it to love.

Welcome friends, to the 1980s.

Let's start the next 26 weeks with something that epitomises the 80s, because if there's one thing about the 80s, they were big and so was the hair, so take your bass straight back to where you found it Ms Trainor, A is for All About That Hair.

You wanna talk about hair? The 80s inspired an entire genre of music based on hair. The bygone glamorous era of big hair bands. Ask anyone who was there who was the best and you'll get a whole bunch of names; Def Leppard, Skid Row, Bon Jovi...the list goes on but my personal fave? Poison. There's some serious hairspray in that band.

You think they're irrelevant now? Don't be fooled, we all know Iggy Azalea is only one comb away from that big hair. And while she's pretending she's all fancy, we know she just wants nothin' but a good time.

Poor ol' Whitney (RIP) may have gone through a few phases in that career of hers, but she reached the height of heights (literally?) in the late 80s with some curls and at least a can of hairspray on her head. Maybe a can of mousse too. 

You think she's kind of irrelevant now? Don't be fooled. Every pop star in the world wishes they were a teeny bit more Whitney and Nicki Minaj is only a step away from a can of hairspray with those curls of hers. One more tease, add a touch of the mullet and bam, don't you wanna dance say you wanna dance don't you wanna dance.

Madonna needs to stop queen of pop's early 80s arch-nemesis Cyndi Lauper liked to mix it up a little. Colour it and shave it, then add the can of hairspray.

Cyndi didn't win the queen of pop title, but at least she doesn't get the 'needs to stop' added to the front of her name (thank you editor for my new way to refer to Madonna forevermore) but don't be fooled, Cyndi's influence is simply much more subtle than Madonna's. Skrillex may have taken her hair but it's actually his ex-girlfriend Ellie Goulding who learnt from Cyndi. After all, even with Cyndi's hair, Ellie knew Skrillex was a douche and girls just wanna have fun (etc).

Sweden has always been responsible for funny little trends. You know, like IKEA and Lykke Li and sandwich cakes, those funny little meatballs and that left leaning, the 80s Sweden was all about short hair, a can of hairspray and Roxette.

It was the late 80s so the length was shortened, but don't be fooled, that didn't take away from the height. Miley of course thinks she can do everything one better so goes that little bit higher, which is fine, I just wish she'd try and follow their philosophies too and try to dress for success, as opposed to whatever her idea is.

I know Spandau Ballet must have had more than one hit, but I don't know what it was. I'm more interested in those clothes and how many cans of hairspray it took to do all five heads of hair.

Like every all boy group, there's an ugly one, a bad one, a boring one, a smart one and a talented one. Except I can't quite figure out which is which, in any group. Like those before them, we can all take solace in the fact that One Direction will be done soon, no matter how much they believe, they are not indestructible. Gold!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Song Review - TV

by Eves The Behaviour (available on itunes)

Look, I have no idea what’s going on here and admittedly, I’m a little confused, but that’s probably just a normal day in my life. I mean, you spend a couple of weeks at the end of the year eating, drinking and generally being merry and then you turn around and everything is different. What am I talking about? Well, it seems Eves changed her name to Eves The Behavior, sometime recently, which I guess is a good thing, because I’m going to assume it was done for career reasons after she spent some time in the US late last year and not just because she liked the way Americans spell 'Behavior’. A little google research suggests it’s a name change because it allows her more room as an artist, after all, most of her songs are about behaviours, but either way I suppose it doesn’t matter, because her sounds are just as good now with ‘The Behavior’ on the end of them as they were as the simple ‘Eves’.

Simply titled ‘TV’, her current single is perfect electronic pop, a slow build beginning with relatively nothing, just synths and voice, followed by a subtle beat that builds to layers of sounds and back to nothing again, numerous times over.  “I saw my feelings on TV last night” are lyrics that I’m going to assume are all too relatable for some, but that’s kind of what makes them so simply remarkable. Also remarkable is the line-up for Laneway, which Eves The Behavior is playing this January across this giant land of ours. If you want to know what Australian electro-pop will be sounding like in 2015, I suggest getting yourself to her set. It will be much better than watching something on TV, I can guarantee that.

 Jo Michelmore gives TV four Presets heads out of five...

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Top 25 - 18 January, 2015

Eves the Behavior, Passerine, The Belligerents + Sally Seltmann!

1. Jeremy Neale - The News

2. The Wombats - Greek Tragedy (NEW)

3. Eves the Behavior - TV (NEW)

4. The Belligerents - In My Way (NEW)

5. The Grates - Holiday Home

6. Sharon Van Etten - I Don't Want To Let You Down (NEW)

7. George Maple - Vacant Space

8. Passerine - Set Me Alight (NEW)

9. The Kite String Tangle ft. Tiana Khasi - Stone Cold

10. Sally Seltmann - We Are The Music (NEW)

11. Halcyon Drive - Crusoe

12. Years and Years - King

13. Left. - Lay With Me (NEW)

14. World's End Press - Spirals (Slide Away)

15. Arctic Maps - The Ocean Is My Cathedral (NEW)

16. Ed Wells - Sparrow and Seed (NEW)

17. Megan Washington - Begin Again

18. Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

19. Jessie Ware - You and I (Forever)

20. Django Django - First Light (NEW)

21. Young Lions - When Will We Be Free

22. Matt and Kim - Get It (NEW)

23. Nicki Minaj - Grand Piano

24. Client Liaison - Groove The Physical

25. The Grates - It Won't Hurt Anymore

Friday, 16 January 2015

Rant Lyfe: #TayforHottest100?

Don't let this be you when Taylor Swift makes the Hottest 100.

by Matt Bond

Come ‘Straya Day 2015, will we be shaking it off on the triple J Hottest 100 with Taylor Swift? It’s the big, annoying question of the moment. Some are sitting back and enjoying watching the world of passionate, “alternative” music fans burn. Some are begging triple J to make a stand and shut out music that hasn’t officially been played on its station, a Like A Version cover notwithstanding. Some are actually out there voting for ‘Shake It Off’ to find a place on this year’s countdown. Maybe you’re one of them. If you are, I say good for you. It’s meant to be a music democracy, right? So you exercise your right to choose as granted in Roe v Wade and… wait, that’s not right. But yeah, it’s your life. Do what you want with it.

The arguments for and against are piling up, just like the #tayforhottest100 posts clogging up my Facebook news feed. Everyone’s got an opinion. Amongst the ‘Nay Tay’ crowd, there’s the fact that T-Swizzle could deny an up and coming artist a highly coveted spot on the world’s bestest music countdown. This is true. She could also keep Hilltop Hoods’ ‘Cosby Sweater’ from the top spot or keep that random emo-ish metal band you’ve never heard of that seemingly has a passionate fanbase (from where and from whence?) from cracking the hundred. We’ve also got the DEATH TO POP MUSIC crowd rearing their heads. Just in case they haven’t checked the charts lately, that poorly named Hilltop Hoods track and Peking Duk’s amazing slices of music deliciousness that are bound for glory have been top 10 hits. And what’s the current #1 single on the ARIA Charts? Mark Ronson’s ‘Uptown Funk’, which features arguably the biggest solo male POP star in the world, Bruno Mars. But that’s ok, because Mark Ronson is tres indie cool, amirite?

Remember that time Macklemore topped the Hottest 100? Yeah, that sucked and it sucked hard. J x 3 listeners (those who tune in for the breakfast show) have been defending the Nova crowd’s takeover of that year as a celebration of, “alternative hip hop.” I shit you not, I actually saw a young guy call ‘Thrift Shop’ alternative hip hop. Oh, my sweet summer child. No. Pop music’s always had a place on the Hottest 100. Just not in the way that Lorde’s best friend looks set to crash the party this year. FYI, Kylie Minogue aka Princess of Pop also made the list. Three times. Madonna needs to stop aka Queen of Pop made the list. With ‘Music’. Like the pop-iest pop song of the time. But Taylor Swift? No way, man. She already gets played too much and she’s popular and her songs are so gosh darn catchy and she’s way prettier than me and I just want to be best friends with her. Where was I going with this? Let’s move on…

“Leave us alone and don’t ruin OUR day.” Our day? I’m sorry 19 year old that’s been listening to triple J for a year, what do you mean by “our” day? You’ve left this comment on Facebook seemingly claiming Australia day for you and your ilk, as if your taste in music is the be all/end all of music tastes. If enough people get their votes in and T-Baby makes the cut, it’s their day too and they can shake it as much as they like. Don’t have a cry about it. Move on with your life. A lot of us had to when Macklemore topped the list. All of us have to when a song we don’t like makes the countdown. Yes, yes… triple J is alternative, you say. But, come on. Really? Sia’s ‘Chandelier’ is going to make the countdown. So alternative right now. And now that I’ve found something else to throw in your faces… what’s the difference between Sia’s ‘Chandelier’ and Tay-Tay’s ‘Shake It Off’? Sia used to be all indie and shit isn’t a valid argument.

Anyway… this has been a hot mess. Just like the overblown controversy that’s surrounding Taylor Swift inevitably shaking it into the Hottest 100. The haters will hate (hate, hate, hate, hate), hell will not freeze over and life will continue as normal. If you can’t pull yourself out of bed the next day, it had better be because you’re hungover (‘Straya!) and not because your elitist world has come crashing down. Worse things have happened. Take a look at the world news section. And then take a good look at yourself in the mirror. And then slap yourself.  As a final note, just remember…

Uh, yes. And also...

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Song Review - Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband
by Meghan Trainor
Album: Title (available now)

I stumbled across Meghan Trainor’s next single, ‘Dear Future Husband’ on the radio earlier in the week. I didn’t think much of it, it sounded exactly like a Meghan Trainor song, which all sound like any pretend doo-wop song, but not as good as a real doo-wop song. My blog, my opinion. I heard it again yesterday and I really listened to it this time.

My hackles were raised (what’s a hackle anyway?) and everything got all sorts of annoying. Why? Because...

“I’ll be the perfect wife, buying groceries…” 

Without mentioning the whole concept of the feminist movement, name me another good pop song that mentions groceries.

“And after every fight, just apologise…even if I’m wrong” 

With that kind of attitude, you ain’t getting yourself a husband, wife or housemate anytime soon Meghan. No one likes self-righteousness.

And one last thing...

“Open doors for me and you might get some kisses” 

Why do you need doors opened for you Meghan? I’ve seen your clips and I’m pretty sure you have two arms in perfectly good order. Open your own doors, because you can, and open them for others, because you’re a nice person, not because of rewards.

I'm exhausted. Someone put some Taylor on so I know pop music isn't dead.

Jo Michelmore gives ‘Dear Future Husband’ one bald Britney head out of five…

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Song Review - Sparrow And Seed

Sparrow And Seed
by Ed Wells

Well this is a lovely way to start off the new music year. Give me some good, strong emotional piano and I’m yours any day. Throw in a powerful voice and bam, I’m a sucker for both those things so am probably going to declare myself a fan shortly after. The piano and that impressive voice in this case are provided by Ed Wells, a Sydneysider with a voice that needs to be heard and some pretty impressive moves on a keyboard. His current single, 'Sparrow and Seed' is truly delightful, a story of something more than just a little bird and a seed, one would assume, considering the layers of intense sound. Accompanying it is a stunningly shot clip with visions of a childhood spent in a forest, bright blue skies and something left behind. That overriding sound of piano that pulls at the strings of memories make ‘Sparrow And Seed’ a song I’m glad I started my reviewing year with. Delicious sounds like this mean Ed Wells could be someone we’re talking about at the end of the year, as he plans on touring and releasing his first full length album sometime in 2015. Looking forward to hearing more.

Jo Michelmore gives 'Sparrow And Seed' three Gotye heads out of five…

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Song Review - The Ocean Is My Cathedral

The Ocean Is My Cathedral
by Arctic Maps

Why yes, we would like to hear some chilled out goodness to make an otherwise dull Tuesday a whole lot better. That chilled out goodness is coming to you from Melbourne's Arctic Maps, a new project from singer-songwriter Freya Bennett and music/beats maker NPOWA aka Nathan Power. The duo's name reminds me of the Arctic Monkeys and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' song 'Maps', so I like these guys already. Even if their name has nothing to do with them and has everything to do with actual maps of the Arctic. 'The Ocean Is My Cathedral' is the first of what we hope will be many Arctic Maps tracks released in 2015 (it's their first track released ever together) and we can't get enough of Bennett's smooth vocals against NPOWA's sparse yet inviting production. Arctic Maps draw on influences from the likes of London Grammar and Daughter and like both of those acts, Arctic Maps features engaging, unique female vocals amongst a lush electronic environment. 

'The Ocean Is My Cathedral' is a nice and welcome introduction to what Bennett and Power offer, just as perfect for a quiet moment of reflection as it is for those playlists you pull out for a night in with friends on the vino. And it's post Christmas/New Year's so I'm sure you've got a lot of things to quietly reflect on. Not that I'm judging your life choices or anything. "I saw my silence fill the air, there's nothing left of me, got nothing to share." Bennett's lyrics deal with the end of a friendship and inspiration for the track came from a photo taken by Connie McDonald. This one...

I wouldn't have come up with nice lyrics to a song like Arctic Maps did after looking at a photo. But I'm not a songwriter. Bennett is though and she's really quite good at it. Just give 'The Ocean Is My Cathedral' a listen and find out for yourself. 

Matt Bond gives 'The Ocean Is My Cathedral' three and a half Ellie Goulding heads out of five...

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Top 25 - 11 January, 2015

Jeremy Neale, Sharon Jones + Nicki Minaj!

1. Jeremy Neale - The News (NEW)

2. The Grates - Holiday Home

3. The Kite String Tangle ft. Tiana Khasi - Stone Cold

4. George Maple - Vacant Space (NEW)

5. Halcyon Drive - Crusoe

6. Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

7. Megan Washington - Begin Again

8. Years and Years - King (NEW)

9. Young Lions - When Will We Be Free

10. World's End Press - Spirals (Slide Away)

11. Nicki Minaj - Grand Piano (NEW)  
Skip to 10:50 if you don't want to watch the mini-movie.

12. Jessie Ware - You and I (Forever) (NEW)

13. Maples - Stars

14. Laura Marling - Short Movie (NEW)

15. Client Liaison - Groove The Physical (NEW)


16. The Grates - It Won't Hurt Anymore

17. Bertie Blackman - Kingdom of Alone

18. Velociraptor - Leeches (NEW)


19. Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings - Little Boys With Shiny Toys (NEW)

20. Metric - The Fatal Gift

21. The Preatures - Ordinary (NEW)

22. Marina and The Diamonds - Immortal

23. Seekae - The Stars Below (NEW)

24. I Know Leopard - Perfect Picture

25. Twin Shadow - Turn Me Up

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Top 25 - 4 January, 2015

Kanye/McCartney, Megan Washington, The Kite String Tangle + The Grates!

1. The Kite String Tangle ft. Tiana Khasi - Stone Cold

2. The Grates - Holiday Home

3. Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

4. Kanye West ft. Paul McCartney - Only One

5. Halcyon Drive - Crusoe

6. Megan Washington - Begin Again

7. Young Lions - When Will We Be Free?

8. Maples - Stars

9. Marina and The Diamonds - Immortal

10. Bertie Blackman - Kingdom of Alone

11. Metric - The Fatal Gift

12. The Grates - It Won't Hurt Anymore

13. Twin Shadow - Turn Me Up

14. World's End Press - Spirals (Slide Away)

15. Climbing Trees - Where Could This Go?

16. I Know Leopard - Perfect Picture

17. Mwansa - Heavy Feels

18. Lana Del Rey - Big Eyes

19. Stevie - Come Around

20. Gang of Youths - Benevolence Riots

21. Art of Sleeping - Crazy

22. Sleater-Kinney - Surface Envy

23. Hiatus Kaiyote - By Fire

24. Clean Bandit and Jess Glynne - Real Love

25. Montaigne - I'm A Fantastic Wreck