
Monday 19 January 2015

Song Review - TV

by Eves The Behaviour (available on itunes)

Look, I have no idea what’s going on here and admittedly, I’m a little confused, but that’s probably just a normal day in my life. I mean, you spend a couple of weeks at the end of the year eating, drinking and generally being merry and then you turn around and everything is different. What am I talking about? Well, it seems Eves changed her name to Eves The Behavior, sometime recently, which I guess is a good thing, because I’m going to assume it was done for career reasons after she spent some time in the US late last year and not just because she liked the way Americans spell 'Behavior’. A little google research suggests it’s a name change because it allows her more room as an artist, after all, most of her songs are about behaviours, but either way I suppose it doesn’t matter, because her sounds are just as good now with ‘The Behavior’ on the end of them as they were as the simple ‘Eves’.

Simply titled ‘TV’, her current single is perfect electronic pop, a slow build beginning with relatively nothing, just synths and voice, followed by a subtle beat that builds to layers of sounds and back to nothing again, numerous times over.  “I saw my feelings on TV last night” are lyrics that I’m going to assume are all too relatable for some, but that’s kind of what makes them so simply remarkable. Also remarkable is the line-up for Laneway, which Eves The Behavior is playing this January across this giant land of ours. If you want to know what Australian electro-pop will be sounding like in 2015, I suggest getting yourself to her set. It will be much better than watching something on TV, I can guarantee that.

 Jo Michelmore gives TV four Presets heads out of five...

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