
Wednesday, 2 March 2011

New Music: Art vs Science, The Strokes, Willow Smith

Remember kids, never whip your hair while eating.

Art vs Science - Take A Look At Your Face

Fans of Art vs Science's industrial and experimental nature should be happy with 'Take A Look At Your Face.' That goes for the majority of the tracks on their debut full-length album, The Experiement, which is expected to make a huge impact on the ARIA album charts next week. Unfortunately 'Take A Look At Your Face' isn't as accessible to mainstream audiences as hottest 100 success 'Parlez-Vous Francais?' or 'Magic Fountain,' but it's sure to get play on alternative radio. This is a good thing.

Rating: 3/5

Clare Maguire - Burn

Another artist with their debut album released in the last week, Clare Maguire dropped Light After Dark on the last day of February and has been generating a ton of buzz for her efforts. Lead singles 'Ain't Nobody' and 'The Last Dance' showed off her vocals, songwriting skills and how good she looks in leopard print. Not only is she talented musically, she's on trend in the fashion realm too. You go Clare Maguire. 'Burn' follows in the footsteps of its electro-pop predecessors and while not as strong as either of those, still comes off quite well.

Rating: 3.5/5

Glee - Get It Right

So, Glee's going to be using original music. You know what that means? More $$$ for Fox. At least 'Get It Right' is serviceable and a showcase for Lea Michelle's booming vocals. If you're hating on this already, wait until you hear the other original song, 'Loser Like Me.' Oy vey.

Rating: 2/5 (for the song), 5/5 for Michelle's vocals.

The Strokes - You're So Right

Don't you feel a little bit guilty about wishing that every new Strokes song would stop sounding like every other song they've released?

Rating: 2.5/5

Willow Smith - 21st Century Girl

I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH, I WHIP MY HAIR BA- what? What? Oh, wrong song. But you kind of wish it was that song. Willow won't be winning over any new fans that are aged 14 and over (or any guys I guess) with '21st Century Girl,' but she doesn't need to. That demographic will give her more than enough in sales.

Rating: 2/5

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