
Thursday 13 February 2014

Where Is My Mind? - For Valentine's Day I Want...

Valen-pizza anyone? Yes please.

Less Vom. Please.
by Jo Michelmore

Anyone who reads our little blog on a (semi?) regular basis may have noticed we're not necessarily fans of Valentine's Day on this here blog. Me personally, there's not many days I like less. But I'm not going to go into that or my current relationship status. It's none of your business. Regardless, I've decided since it's Valentine's Day tomorrow and since we've already done so much hating here at It's My Kind Of Scene, maybe I should look at the other side of Valentines.

You know what that is? The non-vom worthy side.

There's a thing I dislike more than Valentine's itself and that's the Valentine's playlist. Power ballad, love songs, top 100 sweet songs, top 20 songs to a make out to...blah blah blah. They're all there. Google it. Well, you can take your Celines and your Whitneys and your Sheerans and your Eltons can take all your Bruno Mars' and you can shove 'em.

Since we left off last week on a song involving hearts, let's start with another one this week...

The strings, the pipes, it starts at the very beginnning and just gets worse and worse. Vom. For Valentine's, I want less of this...

and more of this...

He may not have written it, but Jose G did a really really really good cover of it. And it might not be all love and sweetness, but that one line, the way he sings it; "sharing different heartbeats, in one night" it's so freakin good I put it in my Valentine's list anyway.

I don't think I've mentioned this guy much on this blog, 'cause you know, that old saying, if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Vom. For Valentine's, I want less of this...

and more of this...

You read the blog, you know I love Pearl Jam. Valentine's Day means I get to declare this love again, and since I'm writing and you're reading, you deal with it. And Sheeran thinks he can sing a sweet song. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttt.

I don't hate ol Mars, far from it. But obvious lyrics just don't have to be so obvious. "You're amazing just the way you are?" Duh. And vom. For Valentine's I want less of this...

and more of this...

"Home is wherever I'm with you." See Bruno? Sweet, not obvious. You wanna know what to write on your Valentine's card? Read some Edward Sharpe lyrics. You'll find something in there.

I always thought this song was just one giant backward insult. "You still have to squeeze into your jeans?" Are you calling me fat? Vom. For Valentine's, I want less of this...

and more of this...

Shut up 1D. THIS is the cutest song, ever. And lucky for you and me it involves The White Stripes. Which involves Jack White. Oh Jack, oh sigh.

You're beautiful to me suggests you're actually pretty hideous, but I like you, so don't worry. Not a compliment. Don't say that to anyone on V Day. Vom. For Valentine's, I want less of this...

and more of this...

Oh, see, now we're talking about the perfect love song. Incredibly depressing, incredibly uplifting. You do realise that everyone you know someday will die, right? You better tell them you like them, now. If you never read another word of mine, just read these. Valentine's schmalentines. You like someone, you like your family, you like your next door neighbour, you like your friends? Tell 'em all, tell 'em now. They deserve to know. Not just on Valentine's. They've probably all got beautiful faces.

Where will my mind be next week? Something much less Valentines-ey. I promise. But you do have a beautiful face, just so you know.

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