
Wednesday 26 February 2014

Song Review - First Light

First Light
by The Twoks

I love this. I love that it makes me feel like I've just stepped into an 80s movie and everything is happy and slightly ridiculous and there's nothing in the world you have to worry about. And you might be wearing roller skates and have big hair... but you just don't care! The Twoks? I hadn't heard of them before listening to 'First Light', but I already know I'm not going to be able to get enough of them.

"Here comes the light, now I can see, that I'm ready for you, are you ready for me?" The lyrics are this mix of romance and adventure, that you can picture yourself shouting along to on the d-floor, four maybe five G and T's into the night. Those gorgeous vocals you're hearing belong to Xani Kolac. It'll blow your mind to know that she's also playing the electric violin throughout. I'm terribly curious to see The Twoks live, because I imagine seeing Kolac (along with Mark Leahy on drums) play and sing would be mighty impressive.

I love this. I'm about 101% sure you're going to love this. 'First Light' is just a day-brightening piece of shimmering pop, designed to put a smile on your dial and get those feet moving. The Twoks? Ones to watch.

Matt Bond gives 'First Light' four Kylie heads out of five...

And hey, if you want to see The Twoks live, they've got some dates lined up through March!

Feb 28
Enlighten Festival, Canberra

Mar 5
Queen Victoria Night Markets, Melbourne

Mar 7-10
Port Fairy Folk Festival

Mar 14
Howl The Moon, Adelaide Fringe Festival

Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12, Apr 19
“Mark After Dark: Series I”
Bella Union Trades Hall, 11pm-3am
Melbourne International Comedy Festival 

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally. The Twoks are a secret no longer.


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