Weary Stars
by Michael Paynter
Album: Weary Stars (out now)
Consider this a Valentine's present from me to you, lady readers. Sure it's not flowers, chocolates or a romantic dinner for two, but now you can pretend Michael Paynter and his truly impressive vocal range are serenading you with the new song 'Weary Stars'. The only thing more impressive than that booming voice is his hairstyle. I'm considering walking into a hairdressing establishment place and asking for the 'Paynter' even though I can't pull it off. But I digress...
'Weary Stars' has the hallmarks of those good ole fashioned Aussie pop-rock tunes of days gone by made famous by the likes of INXS (they have a telemovie series thing on right now, didn't you know?), Cold Chisel and The Voice himself, John Farnham. It's power pop you can poorly singalong to in the shower or on the way to work (if you commute by car - probably shouldn't risk it on public transport) because, let's be honest, you can't match the powerful pipes of the Paynter. It's also got one catchy hook going in the chorus, complete with trendy "woah-oh-oh" fist-pump moment. The video? I don't know what's up with the creepy eyes the band are sporting either. But I'm sure there's a perfectly sensible reason out there somewhere.
It was pretty surprising when Michael was eliminated from The Voice last year when he seemed like one of the more logical choices to take out the competition. What would be even more surprising is if 'Weary Stars' isn't the song that finally breaks him into the Australian big-time, at least where the charts are concerned. Radio support is sure to build and if the reviews from his tour with Imogen Brough are anything to go by, the Paynter brand looks ready for a big year ahead.
Matt Bond gives 'Weary Stars' three and a half Kylie heads out of five...
Fri 14 Feb The Basement, Sydney
Tickets through www.oztix.com.au
Tickets through www.oztix.com.au
Thu 20 Feb Brass Monkey, Cronulla NSW
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Fri 21 Feb Lizotte’s, Dee Why NSW
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Sat 22 Feb Lizotte’s, Kincumber NSW
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Sun 23 Feb Lizotte’s Newcastle
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Tickets through www.lizottes.com.au
Fri 7 Mar Forest Edge Music Festival, Neerim East VIC
Tickets through www.forestedge.org.au
Tickets through www.forestedge.org.au
Wed 19 Mar Belmont Sailing Club, Belmont NSW with Icehouse
Tickets through www.16s.com.au
Tickets through www.16s.com.au
Thu 20 Mar Rooty Hill RSL, Rooty Hill NSW with Icehouse
Tickets through www.rootyhillrsl.com.au
Tickets through www.rootyhillrsl.com.au
Thu 27 Mar Jive, Adelaide
Tickets through www.moshtix.com.au
Tickets through www.moshtix.com.au
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