
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

With A Little Help From My Friends

Matt Bond aka Dances With Tigers...

Just a quick reminder that I'm entered into Channel [V]'s B430 blogger search and I need your votes!! Many thanks to those that have already taken the time to vote for me, I really appreciate it. Now I'm going to plagiarise (from myself) and post my original and amazingly helpful instructions on how to vote for me...

I've never been that good at pimping myself out... but I'm going to attempt a little somethin' somethin' right here, right now. If you're a fan of my "work" here, I could use a small favour. Channel [V] Australia is looking for bloggers for their B430 program and I want to be one of them! So, how can you help me out? By voting for me! There are a couple of things you'll need in advance; 1. a facebook account and 2. access to a valid Australian telephone number and address. If you're outside Australia, coming up with these should be a fun experience (but I'd really appreciate your time and effort).

You'll need to go to Channel [V] Australia's facebook page which is,!/ . Once you've liked it, you need to go into the B430 section which is up the top next to where it says Wall, Info, Photos and all that jazz. You then need to add the Channel [V] Global Animal application. Once you've added it, head down to 'Vote For My Friends' and you can find me in search under Matthew (not Matt!). I'm the sexy beast sitting on the tiger giving the smirkiest of smirks. Then you can vote for me and I will love you forever. You know what, I'll add the picture above, so you know EXACTLY which one it is (enjoy!).

You can help out even more by getting your friends (and family, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers you encounter on the street etc.) to vote for me too! Sorry for the hassle, but this is something that I would really, really like to do and it would help turn the labour of love that is It's My Kind of Scene into something a bit more meaningful. Thanks for reading and more importantly, thanks for voting!


  1. i have voted immensley for you. i think you would be amazing. ah-mayze-ing.

  2. I think you're amazing. ah-mayze-ing. P.s. I love you.


Love it or hate it? Agree or disagree? Let me know what you think!