
Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Song of the Day - Low Happening

Howling Bells - Low Happening
Album: Howling Bells (2006)

Happy Australia Day boys and girls! The funnest day of the year has arrived... sun, BBQs, the JJJ Hottest 100 and copious amounts of cheap, cheap beer and wine always make it a day to remember. In other exciting news, word is that the Howling Bells have completed recording their third album and we can expect to hear a little something something (hopefully) very soon. This is a good thing because Juanita Stein = awesome.

Anyway... Australian or not, have a fantastic day today... if you're not in Australia head over to and stream the Hottest 100. It kicks off at midday EDT (that's 11am for us Queenslanders). Enjoy! 

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