
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Video Review - That's Desire

That's Desire
by Client Liaison

When I was a teenager, a very good friend and I went to a theme park and happened upon an attraction where one could make their own film clip then take home a copy of it to watch forever after. I was wearing a mustard coloured top and some black jeans that probably made each of my legs look like tree trunks, my friend her fabulous self in a band tee. We made a clip in front of a green screen full of (terribly) awesome visual effects, danced a (terribly) awesome dance like Elaine from Seinfeld and probably started my long term love affair with karaoke by doing a (terribly) awesome version of a (terribly) awesome pop song.

Which brings me to the latest clip from my favourite (terribly) awesome duo, Client Liaison. All those things that featured in my own clip? Green screen special effects? Yep. Terribly awesome visual effects? Yep. Terribly awesome choreography? Yep. Terribly awesome pop song? Yes yes yes.

Beside the one clip I made as a teen, I don't know much about film making, but what did they even shoot this clip on? Unless that same theme park attraction still exists and Client Liaison found it, I can't tell if that's some kind of filter to make it look so VHS terrible or whether they found an old school Sony handicam in one of the outer suburban op shops they find all their clothes and haircuts from and shot a music clip. The choreography, the clothes, the Ansett cap, the high pants, that incredible necklace, even the horse looks confused. All of this and a dance pop song taken straight out of...let's put this one in 1991. It's all terrible and it's all so very awesome.

Which brings me back to my own long lost terribly awesome clip. I have no idea where that clip is now, but 'That's Desire' has certainly made me hope these two make another and they definitely made me want to shoot another (volunteers anyone?). It would be terrible and it would be awesome and Client Liaison prove yet again that yes, both of those things are sometimes almost exactly the same and yes, they sit just perfectly with each other.

Jo Michelmore gives 'That's Desire' three and a half Kylie Minogue heads out of five...

Get out your bad pants, incredibly cosmopolitan necklaces and strangely unfashionable shoes - Client Liaison are touring in April! Yes!!!!

Sunday, April 20 at Portsea Beach Club, Portsea, VIC
Friday, April 25 at Northcote Social Club, Melbourne, VIC
Saturday, April 26 at Amplifier, Perth, WA
Sunday April 27 at Northcote Social Club, (again!) Melbourne, VIC
Thursday May 1 at Alhambra Lounge, Brisbane, QLD
Friday May 2 at Elsewhere, Gold Coast, QLD
Saturday, May 3 at GoodGod Small Club, Sydney, NSW and 
Friday May 9 at Cats @ Rocket Bar, (tickets on the door!) Adelaide, SA....just do it!

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