
Friday 14 March 2014

Song Review - House Of Cards

House Of Cards
by Holy Holy
EP: The Pacific out March 28, 2014

Damn, I love a good driving song. I love a song with a pulsating beat, a something that just makes me want to either get in my car and start driving or picture myself in my car driving. Not driving to work or the supermarket, I mean real driving, on an open road, to somewhere far far away, away from the works and the supermarkets and everything else that drags me down in this city life, man. Oops, this about a song, not my (sometimes) suffocating existence. Sorry. I digress.

Holy Holy were one of my favourite little bands of 2013, with one half of them, Timothy Carroll, possessing a voice that absolutely blew me away with power and goose bumps the first time I heard it (and let’s admit it, some of the finest facial hair in Australian music) and Oscar Dawson possessing some of the finest guitar and producing skills (and let’s admit it, some of the finest hair in Australian music). Their second single ‘House Of Cards’ starts with a rollicking country-feel and develops into a song full of Holy Holy feel, rich and intricate with a sense of escapism and fear and hope all rolled into a couple of minutes. It immediately feels like an awesome driving song, but ultimately, a good driving song is just a good song. This is a band I think I’m going to love all the way through 2014 and while ‘House Of Cards’ is only their second touch of brilliance, this is a band that has a whole lot more brilliance to come.

Jo Michelmore gives 'House Of Cards' four Johnny Cash heads out of five...

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