Music Is My (Bad) Medicine
by Nayt Housman
Music is my medicine. Is it yours? I ask the public six golden questions to find out if and how they use music to feed the soul.
Mandy by Nayt Housman
Work victim number two, Mandy, submitted to my desires and allowed me to probe her mind for 51 years worth of music love but I found out there are only two passions that are all consuming in Mandy’s world, her husband and Jon Bon Jovi.
Who flicks your switch and turns up the volume?
Mandy: I love Jon Bon Jovi, I love his music; he really just comes to mind because he’s the most important one I think.
I’d have him on a plate; I’d have him in a box, WHO CARES? He’s 'Wanted Dead Or Alive'.
Why is he the pills that cure your ills?
Mandy: Because when he sings ‘Thank You For Loving Me’ I melt. It’s cool, it always has been and it’s just been like a favorite song forever. He’s always just been that forever favorite.
'Thank You For Loving Me' and her, and him, and them, and that.
OMG who don’t you love Bon Jovi? I thought I was the only one…
What kind of high does it give you?
Mandy: It just makes me happy, I mean it’s not anything kinky or weird like some people might think *laughs*. It just makes me happy AND he’s actually the same age as me. Maybe a couple of months younger or older, but you wouldn’t think so would you? I mean look at me and then look at him *laughs*.
No kinky, just 'Lay Your Hands On Me'.
When do you find yourself craving musical relief?
Nayt: Oops, looks like I forgot to ask this one. Should I adlib? Maybe it would be something involving servicing and husbands with Jon Bon role-play? No? That’s my fantasy you say? Well it’s true he is a bit of a babe. Would do. Wouldn’t you?
I don’t know how I forgot to ask this one. Maybe it was just a case of 'Bad Medicine'?
Where does music take you?
Mandy: Not knowing my background you wouldn’t understand this but it just takes me away.
There are times when the best thing to do is just 'Runaway'.
How do you share your music love?
Mandy: I share it with the neighbors quite regularly when I turn the stereo system up loud.
YEAH WOO! 'Hook Me Up' baby!
If in doubt Bon Jovi? I don’t know what to take from this…when there’s nothing else Bon Jovi? It almost sounds like I could make this into a world-class pop-rock song; “I don’t need anything but you and Bon Jovi” or “baby don’t leave me but if you do I’ve always got Bon Jovi.” Wait! I get it! Jon Bon is the Plan B…C, D, E…!
I shall dub this 'The Last Resort Effect'. If your every day is just that same old pile but a different bunch of flies, you can always just think of the alternative. Bon Jovi will show you the way. He is the light at the end of the tunnel. Go toward the light children, it will all be over soon, just let Bon Jovi take you…can a day, week, month or year really be that bad when you can be in the clutches of Jovi’s dulcet tones. I don’t know. I guess?
Doctor Nayt’s prescription is to keep the old Bon for those last resort situations. He can be a weapon, a shield or an ointment to soothe those wounds. Keep a 'lil in your pocket and some in your first aid kit. You might never know when you’ll need a little Jon Bon Jovi.
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