
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Video Review - Shake It

Shake It
by Steve Smyth
Album: (???, 2014 and hurry please)

I saw Steve Smyth play live once, in a little bar in Brisbane. I don't remember much about the gig, except the voice, the incredibly powerful voice of a man that inspired surprised goosebumps. Even though I've only stumbled across him randomly, once, there must be something special about him, because when the name Steve Smyth appeared on my laptop in front of me, with the potential of a new clip on the way, I couldn't wait to hit play and see what surprises were in store, like that night I saw him all that time ago now.

If I say so myself, I knew I had good taste as soon as I hit play. The song grabs you from the beginning and so does the clip, Steve smashing his wild hair and beard around (I hear my fellow blogger Katie Langley pressing play immediately) to the pounding guitars in what looks like an old school garbage dump. They don't make 'em like this in my part of the world anymore, which makes the images of Steve and his various dancers shaking, twirling and twisting their way around car parts and timber and discarded lives all that much more romantic. Romantic? Yeah I said romantic. Who are you? Don't you believe in romance? I'm sorry for your cold, cold heart. Romance can live in a garbage tip you know.

Regardless of setting, there is something mesmerising about Steve Smyth, his voice, his mannerisms, his movements, he's an artist that is full of life, full of energy, full of creativity and clearly full of love for his craft. He's an artist I desperately want to see and hear more of, so until I stumble across him in a dingy bar again soon, I guess I'll just have to settle for the romantic junkyard. 

Jo Michelmore gives 'Shake It' four and a half Michael Hutchence heads out of five...

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