
Saturday, 28 August 2010

Top 200 Songs of the 1990s, #40 - 31

Wa-hey... only four to go. We've come a long, long way together... through the hard times and the good. So let's celebrate and praise the 90s a little bit more. Just like we should. Six artists are making their grand debuts on the countdown today and only one of them will be seen again. Try to guess who it's going to be. It's top 40 time kids. Let's get to it!

#40 - One (1992)
by U2

Legendary. Epic. Perfect. Single words, not the same. Accurate descriptions of U2's greatest contribution to music in the 1990s. I loved Mary J Blige belting the shizzle out of this, but U2 manage to create something magical with the original version. Rolling Stone placed 'One' at #36 on the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time chart. That's a huge achievement.

#39 - Unfinished Sympathy (1991)
by Massive Attack

When you think that we're likely to never hear dance music as deep as this ever again it's easy to feel a little depressed. 'Unfinished Sympathy' is regarded as one of the most important pieces in the development of trip-hop as a serious genre (as it should be). As insanely amazing as it is, Massive Attack would manage one song that's even better...

#38 - Cigarettes Will Kill You (1998)
by Ben Lee

I still can't believe Claire Danes dated Mr Lee. That has nothing to do with anything though. Sorry. Debuting with 'Cigarettes Will Kill You' was the perfect move. It was embraced by alternative radio throughout the world. Shame that Ben had nothing good to follow it up with. What can I say, I'm really not a fan of his later works. 'Gamble Everything For Love' excluded.

#37 - Nothing Else Matters (1992)
by Metallica

Guitar intro. It gets me every time. Sets the tone for the brilliance that is to come. Oh yes, it's quite the brilliant. You can't really call 'Nothing Else Matters' heavy metal, but it's my favourite song by a heavy metal band.

#36 - Colourblind (1999)
by Counting Crows

Um... Cruel Intentions soundtrack. How amazing do you want to be? This would have to be one of the saddest songs in ever, but somehow the movie managed to make it something beautiful rather than bawl your eyes out-ish. Not that there's anything wrong with a bawl your eyes out-ish song every now and then. Gosh, I'm ever so manly.

#35 - Rearview Mirror (1993)
by Pearl Jam

'Rearview Mirror' topped the It's My Kind of Scene Pearl Jam countdown earlier this year. But it's not the top Pearl Jam song in this one. My logic doesn't resemble your earth logic, so just go with it. If you want a quick rundown of 'Rearview Mirror' go look at the Pearl Jam countdown. Pimping my other articles... priceless.

#34 - Groove Is In The Heart (1990)
by Deee-Lite

Does this bring a huge smile to your face? It does whenever I hear it. 100% pure unadulterated fun. How hard is it to believe that this was released 20 years ago? Try to imagine something as retro-cool as this being released today and actually working.

#33 - Fun For Me (1995)
by Moloko

"I dreamt that the boogie man went down on Mr Spock." I challenge you to find better lyrics.

#32 - Push It (1998)
by Garbage

Garbage set the bar pretty high for themselves with their debut, self-titled album in 1995. With the release of 'Push It,' the first single from their sophomore set Version 2.0, they managed to set it even higher. Manson's delivery of, "P-p-p-push it," is essentially the coolest line in any song. This would definitely be the most sexual song on today's ten if it wasn't for...

#31 - Closer (1994)
by Nine Inch Nails

Opening a song with the lyrics, "you let me violate you. You let me desecrate you. You let me penetrate you," is kind of a no-no. Unless you're going to follow it up soon after with a choice chorus that contains the line, "I want to f**k you like an animal." 'Closer' is the song that would make trashy pop stars blush. You should feel a little dirty each and every time you hear this... in a good way.

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