
Monday, 13 January 2014

Song Review - Never Gonna Change

Never Gonna Change
by Broods
EP: due January 28, 2014

If their second single hadn’t been co-written and co-produced by Joel Little (he’s the guy who produced and co-wrote Lorde’s debut album Pure Heroine) I don’t know if I’d have heard of Broods. Then again, if he hadn’t co-written and co-produced with Broods, they wouldn’t sound quite the way they do, so I’m just going to be thankful he got himself involved with them, or them with him, I'm not questioning how these things work out, I'm just happy I now have something to look forward to on January 28, when they release their first yet to be named EP.

Just like the name of their band, New Zealand kids and brother/sister duo Caleb and Georgia Nott have created a brooding, moody track, filled with a wall of synth sounds, slightly off kilter beats and layered delightfully depressing vocals. Synth pop with a cold edge, ‘Never Gonna Change’ is perfectly ‘on trend’; the moody lyrics about a breakup are offset by the ever growing sounds and beats that seem to take control midway through. While it’s already good, this is a song that sounds like potential, I’m thinking this is a band that have a lot more to show and have arrived at the perfect time to grow and develop as musicians in a world that’s ready to hear them. They’re also another little reminder of just how awesome our friends to the right can be. New Zealand? More please!

Jo Michelmore gives 'Never Gonna Change' three and a half The xx heads out of five...

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