
Thursday 16 January 2014

Song Review - Avant-Guarded

by Curxes

At the end of 2013, it had been over half a year since we'd heard anything new from the fabulous little duo of Curxes and while it was an awfully long time to wait, what is it that old people say? "Patience is a virtue" and the patience I showed in waiting for their new track was paid back in double, triple, quadrup...oh you know what I'm getting at. It's Curxes new song and it's good. It's reeeeeally good.

There are only ten seconds that give you a chance to rest in this track and they happen to be right at the start and not very restful anyway, more shall I say...nervous; before the amazing vocal of Roberta grabs you by the back of your head and smashes your face into your ipod dock/laptop/computer monitor; however you choose to listen is totally up to you. What's not up to you are the solid threatening beats that drive this song from start to end and the weird addictive sounds which at first sound incongruous, but like all of Curxes tracks so far, somehow manage to find themselves a place in the strange and beautiful songs they create. 

Macaulay's guitar and production skills are as commanding as ever and the build to Roberta's vocal frenzy toward the end is equally nerve wrecking and delightful, which seems to be a speciality of Curxes self named brand of 'blitz-pop' and it's a speciality that should be nurtured and cultivated, because while there's a bazillion* (*not exact number, probably more) synth-pop bands making their marks on the world at the moment, they are not all as menacing and fabulous as this awesome duo already are. All of that and a budget clip involving budgies, bird seed tea, ironing, seventies suits, offensive diner meals and some hilarious and impressive animation on a budget, there's nothing not to adore. 

Maybe the greatest thing about finding a band early in their career is the ability to see and hear them grow. With each track, Curxes never fail to surprise, but never disappoint. They prove their maturity as artists by not uploading every piece of music they play with, but only the ones worthy of letting their growing fan base listen to. That in itself is a talent often overlooked in today's internet driven music business/society in general and along with their other natural talent for music and performance, I look forward to hearing and seeing what strange surprises they have in store next. 

Jo Michelmore gives 'Avant Guarded' four budgie heads out of five...

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