
Thursday, 18 November 2010

Top 25 Singers, #25 - Thom Yorke

We did the Top 200 Songs of the 1990s, the Top 100 Songs of the 1980s and for our next big countdown, It's My Kind of Scene is proud to bring to you, dear reader, the Top 25 Singers of All Time. Sorry to disappoint those of you that were clamouring for the Top 100 Songs of the 1970s (all, um, one of you), but that might have to wait until next year. Over the next week or two I'll be introducing you to who I believe are the 25 greatest vocalists we've had the pleasure of listening to. How did I choose which artists received a place on the list? Good question! As you'll see, this is clearly NOT based solely on vocal ability. Yes, that plays a major part in it, but just because you can belt a tune doesn't mean you can put some feeling behind it. Emotional delivery, distinctive voices and experimental vocalists also earned some singers major brownie points and got them onto the list. Anywho... who do YOU think deserves a spot on the list? Kicking us off at #25... it's the enigmatic Radiohead singer, Thom Yorke.

 #25 - Thom Yorke

Sometimes you second guess yourself when trying to figure out who's singing a song you haven't heard before. Not when it's a Thom Yorke song. You always know when it's a Thom Yorke song. His voice is unique and full of a raw emotion that most singers would never be able to believably pull off.

Recorded, his voice is flawless. Live, it's breathtaking.

What do YOU think? Is Yorke deserving of his spot on the list? Should he be ranked higher? Any guesses for who'll be #1 yet?


  1. Yorke should be ranked waaaay higher... his voice is absolutely unique and his delivery is something only he can give. Listening him playing live is an unbelievable experience.

  2. I'm pretty sure Antony Hegarty will have to be in this countdown somewhere. I mean, if he isn't, this just isn't a real top singers countdown:p


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