
Friday, 26 November 2010

Top 25 Singers, #18 - Stevie Nicks

#18 - Stevie Nicks

Once upon a time, the only thing I knew about Stevie Nicks was that South Park made her into a goat... with hilarious consequences. How young and naive I once was. These days I'm a little older, a little wiser and I've gained a greater appreciation for some of the finer singers of the last century; singers like the insanely talented Stevie Nicks. She has one of those voices, much like Joni Mitchell (who you may or may not read about on here at a later date), that gives you the honour of feeling exactly what she has experienced in her life. The good times, the bad times, the drug times. Especially the drug times. But especially the bad times. But especially the good times. Just listen... 

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