
Monday, 2 April 2012

New Music Monday #1

The Dandy Warhols

Every Monday we'll be reviewing some sweet, sweet new music just for you. I know, we're real nice to do something like this... but you're worth it. Like some sort of L'Oreal lotion. Take your mind far away from those thoughts sneaking in that involve me yelling at you, "IT RUBS THE LOTION ON THE SKIN OR ELSE IT GETS THE HOSE," by listening to this week's tracks from The Dandy Warhols, Ruby and the Rib Cage and Nicki Minaj. We'll then leave you with our favourite new music video of the week... whatever could it be? Uh... find out below.

Sad Vacation
by The Dandy Warhols
Album: This Machine (April 24, 2012)

The Dandy Warhols are one of those bands that seem to have hung around forever, ok, since the mid 90’s (that was forever ago, wasn’t it?) just doing their thing, solid but not always ‘chart-topping-amazing-must-listen-to’ type stuff. They’ve been kind of a big deal in the indie rock world at times and rightly so, at times. I’ve adored some of their music, I mean; everyone’s been through a Dandy Warhol stage, haven’t they? (No? Shame. You should have. They’re fun.) Since my last D Warhol stage was a while ago, I was interested to hear their latest offering, ‘Sad Vacation’ from their next album, This Machine. Almost two years since their last album (anyone remember the name?) this is the opening track and although it’s not a life changing song, it’s The Dandy’s doing what they do and that’s ok. A simple, lo-fi, messy bass driven track, its distorted guitars and repeated lyrics definitely leave you wanting more and hopefully the rest of the album will satisfy my new Warhol hunger when it’s released on April 24 (on a side note, the artwork for the album cover is beautiful, check it out). This song is solid, punchy, stripped back, very Dandy Warhol-ish and pays tribute to some of the indie gods of the early 90’s, without sounding old or boring or bland. Can’t wait to hear more, maybe this is the start of my next Dandy’s phase? We’ll see.

Jo Michelmore gives 'Sad Vacation' three Karen O's out of five...

by Ruby and the Rib Cage

Dandelion - studio demo by RubyandtheRibCage

It's no secret that we're big fans of Ruby and the Rib Cage here on It's My Kind of Scene. We fell for Ruby's powerful voice and songwriting prowess on previous song, 'Horror,' and were very happy to see that the band had released a new studio demo, 'Dandelion.' Initial thoughts? This is quite an inviting piece of folky-pop with a melody that seamlessly moves from sweet and hopeful to heartbreaking. The control and range in Ruby's voice is on full display, somehow charming me even more than her performance on 'Horror.' Conveying the right emotions to carry the strength of your lyrics isn't something that comes easily to many seasoned artists, but Ruby Ribcage knocks 'Dandelion' out of the park. She draws you in to a more intimate setting with her whispered low notes one second and then has you doing a reserved fist-pump when she lets loose the next. It's still early days for Ruby and the Rib Cage, but they're hitting all the right notes and my expectations for their debut EP couldn't be higher. With the strength of tracks like 'Dandelion,' I already know the band is going to blow those expectations out of the water.

Matt Bond gives 'Dandelion' four Shirley Manson's out of five...
 Pound The Alarm
by Nicki Minaj
Album: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded


It wasn't that long ago that I would hear the name Nicki Minaj and feel this little wave of excitement come over me. A huge, gaping hole had been left in the female rap game for years and along comes this crazy girl with pink hair and no pants that can out-rap Kanye West, Jay-Z and Eminem. Would she step up and take over Missy Elliott's throne? All signs pointed to yes. If you shook the 8-Ball now, it would most likely come up with that lame 'outlook hazy, try again later' response that would really grind my gears. You see, there's these two sides to Nicki Minaj; rap goddess and trash-pop-trash. 'Pound The Alarm' is the perfect example for showing off the bipolarity of Nicki Minaj. In the opening verse, Minaj raps her giant booty off ala Missy. From the moment the rap segment ends, 'Pound The Alarm' devolves into a Ke$ha-lite, electro-pop club thumper. "You know we getting hotter and hotter, Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down." Doesn't it just make you want to go, "whoooo," with all the other ho's? In one verse we see an artist that has so much potential. Everything else? Garbage... and not the sexy Shirley Manson kind. One can't blame Minaj for chasing after chart success, but that rap crown isn't going to wait around for her forever. Azealia Banks seems prepped to jump up and snatch it and Missy Elliott is prepping for a huge comeback in 2012.

Matt gives 'Pound The Alarm' two Lil' Kim's out of five...
All The Rowboats
by Regina Spektor

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