
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Who Do You Think You Are - Greg C

This is Greg C. Say, "hi, Greg!"

Since you read about the music we love all the time, we only thought it was fair that we started to learn about your musical tastes. Starting today and every Wednesday from now on, we're going to be asking one of our readers a couple of questions about their relationship with music. We'll try not to be creepy. Note well... we said try. If you get a message from me on Facebook, don't think I'm stalking you... I just want to know where you live hit you up with some fun questions and hopefully you'll send them back. If you don't, there will be sadness. So much sadness. We've got Greg C stepping up to the plate for the first ever 'Who Do You Think You Are' today. What did Greg have to say about the music he loves AND hates? Find out below!

...and yes. This is named after the Spice Girls song. Whatcha gon' do 'bout it?


1. What's the first album you ever bought?

Greg: I think it was a record single of Cher ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’. If I could turn back time, I might make a different choice. Or would I? Perhaps I’d have bought the whole album.

2. What music are you into at the moment?
Greg: Madonna, MDNA. I do love Madonna. I’m loving the song ‘Turn Up The Radio’, but wonder if Madonna actually listens to the radio at all. Also, the last time she sang about the radio, it was all about “switching the channel, change the station”. I’m confused.

3. What's your favourite gig or festival?

Greg: Portishead, at the old Festival Hall, Brisbane. Not because it was Portishead, not because it was Festival Hall, not because of the haze of cigarette smoke, not because of the group in the dark in the corner smoking weed, not because of her amazing voice. It’s because of all of those things combined. Amazing.

4. What are you musical guilty pleasures?

Greg: This is tough! Most of my collection is embarrassing. I love Boney M. I saw them live at Twin Towns Services Club. Yup. I’m sorry. Deal with it.

5. What's your most hated song and why?
Greg: 'American Pie' by Don McLean. If you've ever worked in a bar for 8 years you’d understand why.
Thanks Don.

And thank you for stopping by Greg! Thought I'd spare him some pain by leaving 'American Pie' out of today's post. Personally, I'm a big fan... and as for Boney M? Definitely nothing to feel guilty about there. 'Daddy Cool?' 'Rasputin?' Ah-may-zing songs! Now remember kids... you could be next to feature on here so watch your back get excited! I just love putting a strike through text at the moment, don't I?

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