
Thursday 16 February 2012

Song of the Day - Everywhere

Mick Fleetwood, you are out of control!

Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
Album: Tango in the Night (1987)

Because when there's no exciting new music to post, there's always Fleetwood Mac. I've been limiting my use of the band since last year out of fear of exhausting all of their songs, it's been long enough... now is the time to get our Mac on! No, I do not want to make out with you. I was driving home from work and 'Everywhere' came on and everything just seemed right in the world. That's pretty much what every song written by Christine McVie will do for you. All the songs written by Stevie Nicks too. And Lindsey Buckingham. EVERY SINGLE FLEETWOOD MAC SONG WILL MAKE YOU FEEL AWESOME! That's how good they are. Embrace it.

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