
Sunday, 28 August 2011

#10 - Your Favourite Television and Film Theme Songs

I love TV. I almost love it as much as I love music. Sometimes I watch music on TV, but I can't do it too often because it's too much for me to handle. Watching Glee almost gives me a heart attack. But enough about what gets me off... we are back with our next music list, straight from the delicious It's My Kind of Scene 'Music Listography' diary. Now, I know I'm meant to write about television themes and film themes, but I'm just going to stick to TV songs. Why? Because I've already talked about my favourite film music. Duh. That post was 'Everybody Goes To Hollywood.' Read it at your leisure. Anyway, here are ten of my favourite TV theme songs. Enjoy!

Your Favourite Television Theme Songs

The Simpsons Theme
by Danny Elfman

Can you picture a world with no new episodes of The Simpsons? Just thinking about it makes me feel a little bit sick.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme
by Nerf Herder

As exciting to hear today as the first time I heard it in 1997.

Dexter End Credits Theme
by Daniel Licht

The perfect, creepy way to send you off after watching an intense episode of Dexter.

X-Men: The Animated Series Theme
by Ron Wasserman

Shows I need to start watching again... X-Men: The Animated Series. This was awesome! For those of us in Australia, do you remember that this actually made it onto primetime television on Channel 10? That's a pretty big achievement for a "kids" show that aired at 7:30 on Cheez TV.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme
by Will Smith

It's good, because if you forget the show's premise, Smith sums it up for you via rap at the start of every episode. That's handy.

Batman: The Animated Series Theme
by Danny Elfman

So I love cartoons... get over it.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Theme

Admit it, the storylines were more intense than they had any right to be. Of course, I haven't seen the show since I was eight... but I will always remember the plot as incredible. Plus, the theme has stuck with me for almost two decades.

Xena: Warrior Princess Title Theme
by Joseph LoDuca


Angel Theme
by Darling Violetta

Law and Order: SVU Theme

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