
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Top 100 Songs of the 1960s, #80 - 71

The Temptations: Music that makes you think of kids dying from bee stings.

Oh, hey groovers... totally didn't see you there. Far out. Before I get too spacey, let's check out the next ten songs on our 60s countdown!

#80 - People Get Ready (1965)
by The Impressions

Easy-listening music promoting positive social change. It should be enough to make you sick, but The Impressions deliver the lyrics with such sincerity you can't help but love it. 

#79 - Happy Together (1967)
by The Turtles

That video is just too much. Don't you feel like you're watching some ridiculous montage in a Will Ferrell movie?

#78 - All You Need Is Love (1967)
by The Beatles

The Beatles. They had to show up sooner or later... and you know they'll be back as we work our way towards #1. But do they have a song so good, they'll take the top spot with it? This is a group that has remained the most successful band in the history of popular music for over forty years. Surely they've got a couple of amazing songs in that catalogue of hits... but #1? We'll find out soon enough, but until then, enjoy 'All You Need Is Love;' a song that debuted during the first worldwide television event to an audience of 400 million people. 400 million people!!

#77 - Blowin' In The Wind (1963)
by Bob Dylan

It's impossible to find a version of this song that's just Bob Dylan... but if you want to listen to some ridiculous covers on the YouTube, be my guest. 

#76 - I'm A Believer (1966)
by The Monkees

How bizarre is it to think that 'I'm A Believer' is a Neil Diamond song? Actually, it's way more believable that it's a Neil Diamond song than say, a Neil Young one. 

#75 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' (1964)
by The Righteous Brothers

She's lost that loving feeling? God... I hate it when she does that. Excuse me, I'll just be in the corner thinking about how awesome Top Gun was. 

#74 - My Girl (1964)
by The Temptations

Yep, another pick based on it's use in a movie. From Tom Cruise to Macaulay Culkin... it's like a who's who of actors that were awesome in the 90s. 

#73 - Mr Tambourine Man (1965)
by The Byrds

#72 - The Loco-Motion (1962)
by Little Eva

K. Minogue's version's got nothing on Little Eva. 

#71 - Baby Love (1964)
by The Supremes

Speaking of groups that you can expect to see a whole lot more of... it's The Supremes. Diana Ross was able to lead the ladies to the top again and again with one of the defining voices of the decade on hits like 'Baby Love.'

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