
Thursday, 23 December 2010

2010 Scene Awards - Best New Artist

Janelle Monae... Best New Artist?

So far we've seen Sia crowned Australian Artist of the Year and The xx walked away with Video of the Year. Now we're going to find out who deserves to be named the Best New Artist of 2010! Let's meet the 8 nominees...


Darwin Deez

The Drums

Ellie Goulding

Janelle Monae


Nicki Minaj


Best New Artist

Winner - Ellie Goulding

She had us feeling a little 'Starry Eyed' in 2010, leaving us wanting more from the young electro-siren. Her sophomore album can't come soon enough. 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing bad about Ellie, I like her, but Janelle Monae is the best thing that has come out of this year no doubt.


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