
Friday, 24 December 2010

2010 Scene Awards - Best '& The' Act of the Year

Will Marina's Diamonds triumph?

The last couple of years have seen a massive rise in the number of groups that are (x) and the (y)'s, so I thought I'd make the best of them compete for their own Scene Award. It might seem a little crazy, but at least these bands brought the goods in 2010. Who's the winner? We'll find out right after we've met the nominees...

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Florence & The Machine

Gypsy & The Cat

Marina & The Diamonds

Mark Ronson & The Business Intl

Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings

Best '& The' Act of the Year

Winner - Florence & The Machine

Florence followed up on her breakthrough 2009 with a stellar 2010 that saw her win the BRIT Award for Album of the Year, MTV VMA nominations (including Video of the Year) and Grammy nominations (including Best New Artist). 'Dog Days Are Over' was even covered on Glee, so they must be doing something right! We were treated to some new music in the form of 'Heavy In Your Arms' on the Eclipse soundtrack, one of the few tracks that managed to exceed expectations. Much like Best New Artist winner Ellie Goulding, anticipation for a sophomore album couldn't be any higher.

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