
Monday, 25 October 2010

Song of the Day - Maps

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Album: Fever To Tell (2003)

What's your favourite song of the 2000s? While I wouldn't go so far as to say 'Maps' is definitely my favourite song of the past decade and a bit, it would be a strong contender. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs hit the big time when they launched 'Maps' as their third single in 2004, winning a coveted performers slot at the MTV Movie Awards when that was still somewhat relevant. Rolling Stone have gone on to add the song into their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, at #386, one of the few songs from the 2000s to make the list. Everything about it is perfect, from Karen O's desperate plea for her lover to stay with her, to the music video which is amazing in its simplicity. No cover versions today kids, this one's the real deal and you should accept no imitations. Even Arcade Fire's one, I mean I love them... but that was rubbish.

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