
Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Candy Shop #27

Summertime Sadness...Oh Wait, It's Still Spring
by Nayt Housman

It’s nearing Summer which means it’s nearing the end of the year which means I’m thinking about all the things I set out to do this year yet have not so what do I do about it? I wallow… I wallow in music I know will make me blubber like a child who dropped it’s icecream.

Summertime Sadness
by Lana Del Rey

I’m not ready to cry for you yet Lana because it’s still spring but I’ll play your game (video game?) for now you saucy minx. But I really just included this because of my title.

Chemo Limo 
by Regina Spektor 

Combining her loopy lyrics like “crispy, crispy Benjamin Franklin” with her delicious Brooklyn accent, Regina crafted a song about deciding whether to go on chemo or take a limo to the end of the line. Infectiously heartbreaking, Regina you had me at “crispy”.

Someday Soon 
by The Trouble With Templeton

I really don’t even need to say much about TTWT coz I just keep ranting and ranting on and on and on about how much I love them but I’m gripped every time I hear them and 'Someday Soon' is a real tugger of the emotional strings. So brooding yet uplifting at the same time. Gosh I’m a wreck for this.

Beautiful Calm Driving 
by Sia 

From her incredible album Some People Have Real Problems, Sia delivers her tale about driving in a calm manner, which when described so simply sounds crap but I swear this one bites me deep and the tears start welling uncontrollably. “You turned into another. You turned into a nutter. You turn into another man.” Story of my life.

Mad World 
by Gary Jules 


Probably one of the best remakes of a song ever and totally recreated from the original. Gary Jules turns 'Mad World' into a song that connected with every orifice in my beating black heart. Then there’s the video clip! Urrrrrrgh so amazing.

Coming Up For Air 
by Siobhan Donaghy 

Oh that voice, quivering with vulnerability, yet brimming with power. Siobhan has something in her voice that brings me to my knees, so if I’m listening to her just don’t be around me or you’ll be picking me up off the floor.

Crosses Zero 
by 7 ft. Jose Gonzalez 

Brimming with optimism and underpinned with that 'Jose' kind of melancholy his voice effortlessly conveys. The whole album this is from, The Garden (also featuring Sia) pretty much brings me undone and reminds me of both happy and sad times. Gushhhhhhhh.

Now I’m sorry but I have to go and continue to wallow…

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