
Thursday, 14 November 2013

It's My Kind Of Interview - Clare Bowditch

Interview by Nayt Housman

HI CLARE! Thanks for having a lil chitchat with me. Are you well? 

Clare: So well! Thank you!

In the “spirit” (woooOOOoooOOoo) of Halloween (which was awhile ago), I like to think of you as a mermaid, so as a siren of the sea what song would you sing to lure sailors into your musical web?

Clare: This Mortal Coil's version of the Tim Buckley "Song to the Siren"

What’s the best/weirdest thing you’ve ever done for Halloween?

Clare: Asked strangers for lollies. That's kinda wierd, don't ya think?

Congrats on doing Woodford at the end of the year! There are some pretty big names in this years’ lineup who is at the top of your “to see” list?

Clare: I can't say: too many. I'm just gonna show up and not sleep for a few days. You?

You are a big supporter of helping young creatives achieve their goals with your project Big Hearted Business so are there any new talents you’re excited to check out?

Clare: All of them really! I love being in the presence of both apprentices and masters!

What can we expect from the Clare Bowditch experience on stage at Woodford this year, maybe some new tunes (wink, wink)?

Clare: There will be 11 of us: Our biggest band ever!

Seeing as you have the luxury of two points of view, what makes Woodford special as an artist and as a spectator?

Clare: Exactly the same things; the thought that has gone into the event, and the quick-little-community those deep roots allow us all the build. It's offers the perfect mixture of intelligence and hedonistic dancing, don't you think?

Tell us about your favourite festival or live performance experience?

Clare: Ask me after Woodford! 

I remember seeing you owning it on ABC’s Q&A and do you realize you interviewed Julia Gillard (I’m sure you do but when did the reality set in?)??? Tell us about your experiences as a social and political commentator?

Clare: Look, I'm not a politician, which makes it easy to speak my mind, you know? That's all I ever do: some people agree, some disagree, and I insist on maintaining the right to contradict myself. Makes any job easy!

Your talents are certainly not limited to music as you’re the creator of Big Hearted Business, supporting young creatives, you’re Secretary of Music Victoria as well as having a bash at acting in the SUPER successful Offspring, performing on the stage, AND you’ve written for the likes of Harper’s Bazaar/Rolling Stone (jealous) among other fabulous endeavors (Wikipedia told me so). What’s next on the bucket list of what Claire Bowditch can do? Please tell me you’re an expert at macramé and crochet?

Clare: I want to plant frangipani and avocado trees all over Melbourne and somehow magically make them grow. It's a big challenge but I reckon it's possible...

You’re definitely one of the darlings of Australian music. At this point in your career how do you reflect on it and what can we expect in the future?

Clare: Not at all! I figure the trick to making music is just to keep making it. That's what you can expect more of!

My sister (Tania) and niece (Isabella) are pretty much your biggest fans EVER so I asked them to give me a question each for you (I think they lost a bit of bodily control when I told them I was doing a Q&A with you ^_^).

Isabella asks what is your fave song (of your own) and why?

Clare: Can you please give Iso a big hug from me and say "G'day" to her?

I love Pearl Fishers by Bizet: it's just sad and happy and beautiful and has history for me. I also like "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce and "Eye of the Tiger".

Tania wants to know what inspired you to write the song ‘A Lucky Life’ as she really relates to it as a mummy person?

Clare: Just the contradiction of parenthood, and my acute joy and fear when it comes to raising walking hearts in a broken world. I know she'll get it.

Plus can I be super cheeky and ask you to give a shout out to my niece for her birthday on Nov. 5th? I’m vying for Uncle of the year.

Clare: I am so sorry I missed it! Give her my love!!!

On that note, I love knowing if musicians have some kind of writing rituals. What’s your writing process like and do you find a recurring source of inspiration or theme that gets you going?

Clare: Lots of feeling: both euphoria and utter "I can't do this" feelings. The trick is to do it regardless, and transform the confusion into something that means something.

And finally this is my patented Abstract-o-matic question. If your music were a household appliance, what would it be?

Clare: Is a fireplace an appliance? Um... a teapot? Not so much? Well... Perhaps a cork screw? Um... Crikey...

Thank you SO much Clare! You are an absolute joy! Nayt

Clare: You rock xoxoxoxoxxxxx 

The incredibly talented Clare Bowditch performs at the Woodford Folk Festival on Sunday (December 29) at 8:00pm! Tickets are still available for the festival and you can get them right HERE

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