
Friday, 22 January 2016

Song Review - You And Me

You And Me
by Ben Abraham
Album: Sirens (due March 4, 2016)

Everyone knows I love the saddest of songs, but here I was, quietly listening and loving and thinking it was so beautiful and thinking "isn’t this clip stunningly filmed?" and "I need more fairy lights in my life...does K Mart sell fairy lights all year round?" and "he is rather handsome isn’t he?", but then I hit play again and there were some words about April through November and how hard it is to breathe now and suddenly everything took a turn for the much worse, which in my world means it took a turn for the much better, because the very saddest of songs are always my favourites.  Disguised as a sweet, simple little pop tune, Ben Abraham certainly knows how to make the sad songs take ones breath away and it's not just because I think he’s got a touch of the attractive in him, but because his way with words and those keys are phenomenal. “You belong to you and me” can be read however you feel it, but when you hear it the way Ben Abraham sings it, well, that makes it a whole different story. Take whatever you want from this tune and this clip, but I’m taking my little heart to K Mart for a while to recover, buy some fairy lights and wait patiently for the debut album Sirens, which, if this song is any indication, is going to be finding itself a special little place in my collection this year. 
 Jo Michelmore gives 'You And Me' four broken hearts out of five...

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