
Friday 22 August 2014

Song Review - Missing Her

Missing Her
by Wilding

There are numerous parts to my personality, but three parts that play a big part could be summed up quite quickly; music lover, vintage lover, word lover. All of three of those lovers were sparked when I started thinking about Wilding and I read all the words; "endearing harmonies, The Beatles, the 60s, the 70s, pop and melody, The Beach Boys and Abbey Road" and my interest was peaked but were they all just things and words I had heard before? How many times can I hear these types of influence and still be interested? I mean, have I heard it all before? 

Luckily, the more curious part of my consciousness took over and I did bother to investigate what all these familiar words were trying to describe and...bam! Fabulous! Cute! Nodding! Retro! Dancing! Smiling! All the words in the world are nice, but the best part of hearing new/old inspired music is the feeling of the muscles in my face contracting as I smile manically and think of the friend I have who would absolutley adore this and the memories of songs I love and times I've had with said friend. The best part of hearing a new/old song I like a lot is the physical movement my shoulders make, the feeling of my hair waving around as my head sways back and forth and the weird tapping my feet do when I listen. And really, all the words in the world on this here blog and that there internet are nice, but if a song takes it sounds from times past and still makes me smile and move, what more is there? Only that little button with the sideways triangle which plays it all over again and starts the manic smiling again. The music lover, the retro lover, the word lover and the curious consciousness are all happy.

Jo Michelmore gives 'Missing Her' three and a half Beatles heads out of five...

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