
Friday, 29 August 2014

Song Review - History

by Holy Holy
EP: The Pacific (available now)

You know what I like about investing emotional energy in a band sometimes? It’s like investing in the stock market. You’ve heard a couple of songs, maybe an EP and like making a decision to invest, you decide, yes, you are a fan of this band and will back it up with a purchase, perhaps a ticket to a gig and a lot of chat about them to whoever will listen to you. It’s exactly like purchasing shares in some kind of company, there’s a gamble, but trust in yourself and all going well and your investment will be rewarded (I may or may not be a financial guru).

When I invested my emotional energy in Holy Holy with the first listen of ‘Impossible Like You’ so many months ago now, I wasn’t sure if my investment would be returned, but like a market player and risk taker of the late 80s, I was willing to give it a shot. Seems it was worth it, for with every part of Holy Holy I’ve heard and every gig I’ve attended, I've seen my emotional investment has been returned double fold, at least. Their third single ‘History’ is no exception, solid guitars driving the song along, lyrics to question and analyse with a steady mid tempo beat perfect for a firm sway and a tap on the steering wheel as I’m driving. The lovely little soft break at two and a half minutes is a nice reminder that my emotions are being sweetly manipulated by these incredibly talented individuals and my investment has been returned. Ok, so I’m no stockbroker by day, but I am a fan of good music and Holy Holy keep releasing sounds that make me happy to have heard them and make me smile, which in my books, is a very good return on my emotional investment. Looking forward to seeing them at their BIGSOUND appearance at The Elephant on Thursday September 11 at 10pm!

Jo Michelmore gives ‘History’ three and a half Jack White heads out of five…    

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