
Monday, 21 April 2014

Song Review - Slowburn

by Howling Bells
Album: Heartstrings (June 2, 2014)

Yeah but no but yeah but no but... shut up. Shut up right now. How do the Howling Bells have a new song out and I have not heard it, nor have I had any of y'all point this out to me? Seriously?! This is a fail of epic proportions. Do you know what's not a fail in any way, shape or form? THE NEW SONG FROM THE HOWLING BELLS!!! That's what. It's been far too long since we've heard from Juanita Stein, brother Joel and Glen Moule. Joining those original three this time around is new bass player Gary Daines who is taking over for Brendan Picchio. Anywho, yeah, the last time we heard from these indie rockers was back in 2011 when they released their severely underrated third album, The Loudest Engine. It would seem they haven't lost a step during their little hiatus if 'Slowburn' is anything to go by. 

"Keep dreaming, keep dreaming, you say something's gonna happen, gonna happen someday, you know it's a slow burning fire." Juanita Stein remains the perfect front for a rock outfit; dark, mysterious and oh-so sexy. The words are delivered in such an effortlessly cool way that you find yourself swayed far too easily by her charms. Like, you would do anything for her to look in your direction and give you the time of day. Anything. What? Sorry, Juanita Stein has this crazy hold over me. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Joel's lead guitar work ups that cool factor, while Moule's drums keep everything together and on track, as they always do. For his part, the lone non-Australian in the band, Daines, comfortably slides into the line-up. If you hadn't told me that he'd replaced Picchio, I'd be none the wiser. 

An unexpected treat for a Monday night (for those not in the loop like me!) and what a treat! The Howling Bells are back with a new album on the way. Managing to make doom and gloom rock sound like the most fun you've ever had isn't easy, but these guys always manage to pull it off. I know I can't wait to hear more. What about you? 

Matt Bond gives 'Slowburn' five Nick Cave heads out of five...

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