
Thursday 17 October 2013

Where Is My Mind? - Beige Pants And T-Shirts...

One of One Direction has style, one has something uncomfortable in his pants. Up to you which is which.

...Must Be At The Beach!
by Jo Michelmore

There's a little something that's been on my mind recently. It started a couple of weeks ago at work, when, randomly, a classic Australian track came on and a couple of people burst into song. It was one that many Australians would know, but I'm not so sure who else around the world would be interested. The one and only, Daryl Braithwaite.

I've mentioned this clip before, because, let's face it, once you hit play on that one, magic happens. So, when this song was played at work, a few people started talking about the clip, which as you can see, features many beautiful beach scenes. This then resulted in a conversation that seems to happen a lot when you blog "can you write a blog post about that?" Hmmm. Often I say no, but this time I said yes, because, after all, last week we left off on Kelly Clarkson and I mentioned the beach scene in that clip and well, I've just recently left previously said workplace, so I felt it appropriate to feature some of the beach clips that were mentioned to me in my last few weeks of work. Let's start with someone we all know and love...

Oh Britney, so young, so cute. Why did they make you wear those shoes with those white pants Britney? Why? No wonder you had a minor breakdown. I would have too. Also, why are you pining after that boy? He's really not that attractive. He's also wearing something very similar to what Daryl Braithwiate is wearing in his clip. Why does the beach mean ugly beige pants and t-shirts? Huh? When was the last time anyone you knew wore that to the beach? Weird. Which brings me to another unattractive man...

Robin Thicke. See what he's been doing all this time? He's been using shots of women in bikinis (and less) for years. I suppose it eventually had to get him some kind of publicity. Such a shame it got him so much with that awful, awful song. The only redeeming feature of that 'Blurred Lines' song is that it's really, really popular and well over-played, which means it's going to be one of the most hated songs soon enough. That always happens when you hear a song a bazillion* times. (*Possibly an exxaggeration, possibly not.) Which brings me to three more unattractive boys...

The clip designed to mock boy bands (also involving beige pants and t-shirts) but I always thought it was kind of funny, because aren't Blink 182 just the boy band of the pop punk genre? Oh, I know, I'm always asking the big questions here at It's My Kind Of Scene. So who's taking the piss out of who here? Not for me to say, but it does take me to another boy band...

There must be a generic beach somewhere, that has that giant rock face at one end of it, because I'm sure I've seen this beach a thousand times in a thousand clips and on a thousand TV shows and in a thousand films. Unless all beaches look exactly the same. I live in Australia. I know they don't. One Direction, what a bunch of...cuties. Here, I'm going to admit it. I don't hate One Direction. I don't love them, but I definitely don't hate them. In fact, I kind of feel sorry for them, this time won't last so long, it never does, so I hope they're enjoying their beach clips, beige pants and bad hair....

Where will One Direction take me next week? Hopefully somewhere far away from beige pants and t-shirts, that's for sure...

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