
Sunday, 25 November 2012

Gig Review - Gay Paris

Live @ Ric's, Fortitude Valley
Review by Katie Langley

I’ve told you all before, but I’ll tell you again. I love Gay Paris. They are one of my absolute favourite bands to see live. There are always beards, and a whole lot of boogie. Their show at Rics for the Death to Spring tour was no exception.

I was sceptical of their choice of venue; however, it proved to be the perfect place for crowd interaction, participation and perspiration.

They opened the set with “My First Wife? She Was a Fox Queen!”. The band were in fine form, as usual, however front man Luke Wailin’ H Monks was quick to observe that the crowd lacked a little spark, and assured us all that although their 9pm set was early, it was not too early to party. Thrust. No, really, he jumped off the stage and grinded on a man in the front row.

As the band introduced us to their new material, including single “The Demarcation Of Joseph Hollybone”, and the crowd downed a couple of extra drinks, the room started whipping into a frenzy. There was the usual hi-fiving, and victory cheering between the band and audience at the completion of each song. That will never get old for me.

My favourite moment in the set was when Luke encouraged crowd members to take off his pants, while he lay back on the stage and rapped. Could it get any better than this?

The antics continued with an impromptu crowd surf which saw drinks spilt everywhere. As everyone took a step backwards we realised that our head thrust-master was about to clock his head of the ground. Uh oh. The lady in front of me saved the day. Phew.

By the time the band launched into “The Black Tooth Supper Club", the crowd was well and truly in the zone. Random punters started pouring in, intrigued by the skinny ginger man in his underpants. During this song a member of the audience jumped on stage and lent a hand to vocals. It was amazing.

There’s a certain standard that you come to expect from their shows – stripping, hi-fiving, thrusting – but there’s always the element of surprise. The band really thrive off of the audience, be it men with obnoxious shirts, or busty goths. It’s this element of surprise that keeps me going back for more. That, and all the beards.

I love Gay Paris.

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