
Saturday, 28 January 2012

Song of the Day - What Would You Do?

The Polyphonic Spree: Making cults fun again!

The Polyphonic Spree - What Would You Do?

If you were going to join a cult, the safest option would probably be to join The Polyphonic Spree. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros would be a close second, but I'm not quite sure if they've reached that elusive 'cult' status yet. They're more like a travelling band of time displaced hippies. So that just leaves The Polyphonic Spree as our clear winners here. Want to be in a cult? Forget about the Order of the Solar Temple, I'm all about the Spree. Not only do you get to create catchy music that warms your cold little heart, you get to wear those oh-so-colourful robes. Making fun music and wearing a robe or being told to go all Helter Skelter on people? You'd pick the Polyphonic Spree too.

Rating: 3.5/5

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