
Thursday, 23 September 2010

Vs - Cheryl Cole vs Nadine Coyle

Caaaatifight! Nah, not really...

Cheryl Cole - Promise This

Nadine Coyle - Insatiable

It's the battle that dozens and dozens of twelve year old girls have been waiting for... Girls Aloud's Cheryl Cole will be competing for UK chart dominance with fellow group member, Nadine Coyle. Last week Chezza dropped her new single ',Promise This,' which is the lead track for her soon to be released second album, Messy Little Raindrops. Not to be outdone, Nadine has released her first solo single, 'Insatiable,' which just so happens to be the name of her debut album. I'm not going to lie, I'm practically paralysed with not caring very much about either song. Thankfully 'Promise This' doesn't have a hook like 'Fight For This Love,' so we hopefully won't have to hear it played four times a night in every dodgey club and pub in London. Thanks Cheryl. As for Nadine, history has taught us that songs named 'Insatiable' are doomed to fail. Just ask Prince and Darren Hayes (of Savage Garden fame). That is, of course, if you can find them.

At the end of the day, Cheryl will continue to churn out hit after hit, while Nadine will enjoy moderate success before turning her attention to getting Girls Aloud back together. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em... again. Cheryl's got the exposure (X-Factor) and the sympathy of a nation (cheating douchebag husband) behind her so I don't see how she could lose. Cheryl is the Beyonce. Nadine is Michelle Williams. Cheryl is Justin Timberlake. Nadine is JC Chasez. But, hey... that's just my opinion. What do you guys think? Are you team Cheryl or team Nadine (or alternatively, team neither)?

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