
Sunday, 13 July 2014

Song Review - Black Metal Queen

Black Metal Queen
by Cash For Gold

Well, I suppose it's been a week or so since I first heard the harsh guitar sounds of Cash For Gold's latest release; 'Black Metal Queen' and it wasn't that I didn't like what I heard, in fact, quite the opposite. I immediately liked the sounds, the severe but engaging vocals and words catching my ears and begging me to listen, but something else played on my mind.

The trouble was, what exactly was this? I write on a blog, so surely I'd have to find something to call it. Some label it death pop, some label it doom pop, but I feel like those terms don't give it enough credit, because while they're all labels I'd be likely to love, there's also something, I don't even know how to describe it, would we say 'bluesy' dragging me through? Would we say just plain old 'pop' dragging me through? It's rock, definitely, but not plain old rock, the changing tempos ensure of that. Maybe it's almost a punk sensibility that I'm picking up on, which is certainly how the clip was made, on a budget of apparently nothing and a storyline that says....not much at all actually, but is somehow strangely addictive to watch. 

Look, whatever it is, all the words I have used are things I like and genres I love (although admittedly, I probably still haven't found one I don't like....) so why should I question these things, blog writer or not? I don't even know what a black metal queen is, if I've ever met one, or if I am one, so the best thing to do here right now is just enjoy it. Rock, pop, punk, doom....whatever. They're all good things, stick 'em all together and you have yourself a nice little tune, with a nice little black and white clip to match. 
Jo Michelmore gives Black Metal Queen three and a half Karen O heads out of five... 

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