
Saturday 3 May 2014

Song Review - Higher

by Maddison Wilson

“Make your own memories, don’t wait in line and you will find home.”

I first stumbled upon the music of Maddison Wilson through a mutual friend's Facebook page back in February. My friend had posted a live recording of this Melbourne singer-songwriter singing behind a keyboard accompanied by an acoustic guitar player. The clip was labelled “Treehouse Sessions” and featured a stripped back version of her song 'Higher'. I was transfixed by her energy and her bold and dynamic voice. I was won over by her confident keyboard playing. And I was hooked when I heard her sing.

So I was pretty happy to receive in my inbox a clip to this new song all polished up with a brand new film clip to accompany it. The film clip that accompanies 'Higher' is shot on the south east coast in Melbourne’s outer region, which seems apt considering Wilson herself hails from The Mornington Peninsula. The clip opens with Maddison drawing the title 'Higher' on the sand. This sense of summer whimsy is the thread that draws the clip together. There is no narrative as such, just a mix of beautiful shots of Wilson singing and walking through a green, lush reserve, splashing under a pier, on the beach and walking on a foreshore with a balloon. Maddison herself is simply joyful and quite pretty too. The effect of the film clip visuals of 'Higher' and the optimistic nature of the tune (combined with gorgeous vocals) is an uplifting anthem.

It’s the voice of Maddsion though that sticks with me with this single. Wilson effortlessly brings the warmth needed to lead this kind of indy folky pop. She hits the notes with a unique style and much grace. The keys and the accompaniment lay down a nice melodic ground for Wilson’s voice to be the star.

I would recommend this song for those days when you need a bit of sunshine in your heart. Perhaps one to wind the window of the car down and sing along with (ocean view optional). And definitely keep an eye out for this artist as with solid pop songs like 'Higher' she is destined to move up the musical ladder.

And by all means, check out the stripped back version of this song - it's a delight.

Lou Endicott gives 'Higher' four Cyndi Lauper heads out of five...

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