
Friday, 17 May 2013

Listen Or Die? #13 - Kenya...

by Machito (1957)
Running Time: 35:46

1. Wild Jungle
2. Congo Mulence
3. Kenya
4. Oyeme
5. Holiday
6. Cannonology
7. Frenzy
8. Blues A La Machito
9. Conversation
10. Tin Tin Deo
11. Minor Rama
12. Tururato

All-instrumental, African inspired Cuban jazz. This should be interesting and I mean that. If Sabu's Palo Congo taught me anything a couple of weeks ago, it's that 50s jazz combined with Latin flavours makes for a much more exciting listen than your standard 50s jazz album. Machito's orchestra adds a well-developed personality to their performance that maintained my interest in spades. 'Wild Jungle' is quite manic; conga and bongo drums drive the rhythm into a tribal frenzy. 'Congo Mulence' offers a stark alternative. This one is all Havana nights, sneaky and mysterious until the horn section enters, backing up a mighty fine saxophone solo. 

'Frenzy' takes the manic nature of 'Wild Jungle' and sends it into overdrive, while 'Conversation' proves an appropriate title as a whole host of instruments chime in and out like constant chatter. 'Tin Tin Deo' is sure to get all of us faux-Salsa dancers on our terribly uncoordinated feet. For some of us, it's best to listen to this one alone. Which means, why yes... Kenya is worth a good 'ole LISTEN boys and girls. Put it on and watch your inner dancer come to life.

The tally...

DIE - 6  

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