
Sunday, 23 December 2012

2012 Scene Awards - EP of the Year


by Rachael Yamagata

Pleasantly surprised. That's how I felt when I saw Rachael Yamagata was releasing an EP so soon after 2011 LP, Chesapeake. Moving away from the intense sound of that album to a piano/string heavy EP was a bold move and one that definitely paid off. Her writing remains top notch; the kind that drags your heart into your throat with a direct and honest approach. She continues to grow in leaps and bounds and continues to be incredibly unappreciated by too many listeners. Get on your Spotify and listen to this now. Better yet... get on iTunes and buy it! (Matt Bond) 

EP 2
by Crosses

Crosses ††† January release “EP 2” is my pick for EP of the year. Yes, there was 1, and now there’s 2. Sure, there hasn’t been a lot of creative thought put into the names of their EP’s, but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to their sound. Crosses ††† is the love child of Deftones singer Chino Moreno, Far guitarist Shaun Lopez and Scott Chuck. And what a beautiful child it is. EP 2 will pierce right through you. Chino’s vocals are the real drawcard, although the keys play an important role in the storytelling.
If you liked Chino’s other baby Team Sleep, then you’ll love love love Crosses †††. (Katie Langley)

Told You So
by Cub Scouts

The future of Australian indie-pop? I hope so. You should hope so too because Brisbane's own Cub Scouts prove that they can mix the right amounts upbeat singalongs ('Evie'), radio ready summer anthems ('Told You So'), engrossing quiet moments ('Light Me Up'), highs ('Do You Hear') and lows ('Scream'). Then they can just be trippy, cute and most definitely the brightest act to emerge from Australia in 2012. We can't wait to hear their debut full-length album. (Matt Bond)

by Azealia Banks

It’s indicative of how impressive a rapper is when a four track EP can create as much hype as Azealia Banks’ 1991 did this year. While I might be getting more and more suspicious that she is ever going to actually release a full length album, the amazing that 1991 is cannot be denied. Bouncy, sharp, energetic, innovative, constant key changing fun and full of sass, Azaelia takes her listeners on a four track journey that is more Missy than Nicki but totally Azaelia’s own. A chat about 1991 can’t be had without mentioning ‘that’ track, the unbelievably catchy 212 with the now infamous/controversial/provocative lyrics involving eating and words beginning with c, and then there’s my personal favourite “I’m a ruin you, c**t”. However, without those lyrics the song and EP is incredibly infectious and set the rap world on fire for a minute or two there, which is more than her contemporaries have done lately. With this release, the expectations of Azaelia are incredibly high; can she follow up with something just as good? With this EP she asked that question and answered it at the same time in one song “Hey, I can be the answer…. this shit been mine, mine”. (Jo Michelmore) 

Love Lost In Design
by Neon Wolf 


Well if it isn't our favourite little Irish-indie act, Neon Wolf. Their Love Lost In Design EP was released in the first half of 2012 and remains my favourite of the year. All five of its tracks send me on this 90s-nostalgic wave of awesome. It's catchy fun, minus the pretentiousness that plagues so many new bands. You've got your money singles in the triumphant 'We Own The Sky' and infectious 'All of It's Yours,' but the other tracks all stand on their own as great tracks, not filler. Unlike some of the other awesome EP's released in 2012. Want a full review? Head on over here! (Matt Bond)


Runner-Up: Neon Wolf - Love Lost In Design EP 

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