
Saturday 16 June 2012

Gig Review - Lady Gaga (13/06/12)

Live at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
Review by Katie Langley

I knew we were in for a special night when one of the first people we saw in the Brisbane Entertainment Centre was a man looking dapper in a suit – and killer high heels. After doing a scan of the crowd it suddenly dawned on me that in amongst all of the meat hats, sequins, pant-less peeps, face paint and leather that somehow I actually stood out in my tame jeans and jumper. Clearly I missed the memo on costumes.

Lady Gaga made a royal entrance on a “horse” (no Tegan, it wasn’t real) with a procession of her dancers carrying flags like royal subjects. You’re just in time for the Jubilee, babes, pass me the tea’n’scones.

Over the next two hours things only got more weird and wonderful.

Notable mentions:
• Lady Gaga “birthing” her dancers atop a giant pair of inflatable legs which were “spread eagle”, before she herself shot out of the inflatable vagina. Seriously.
• The meat dress, meat bikinis that her female dancers wore, and meat couch (which hosted an orgy of her male dancers – ding dong). Seriously.
• The announcement by Gaga that “I might eat c**t, but I’m not gay”. Err, okay, whatever – you were born that way? (Did you like what I did there?).
• The machine gun bra, which nearly became an occupational health and safety hazard to the dancers who had to weave around the pointy dangers.

Amazingly, even with all of the costume changes, sexual innuendo, props, and encouragement from Gaga to “put your paws up” and “lift your pussies”, a man only seats away managed to look bored shitless. I feel that it’s important to note that he was wearing joggers with jeans. Say no more, right? Gaga played all of the crowd favourites, including an extended version of “Purple Rain” where purple confetti rained from the ceiling. Oh, wait, wrong review.

There’s no question that the bitch can sing and that she loves her “little monsters” (the cutesy cute name she’s given to her fans - nawwww). Gaga got an A+ for crowd interaction and a special laugh from me when she took a fans disco stick (think of the Love Game video clip), rubbed it over her lady bits, and then broke it. Sorry ‘bout it!

If there’s one thing I would whinge about, other than joggers and jeans, it’s the incessant declaration of love from Gaga, and her countless promises that the fans could come backstage after the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you love us; we get it, now put that meat dress back on and sing us a song.

A Lady Gaga show is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. But we got it all. I give it my two paws up.

1 comment:

Love it or hate it? Agree or disagree? Let me know what you think!