
Sunday 6 May 2012

New To The Scene - Astrid & The Asteroids

Astrid and The Asteroids!

Brisbane is home to some new bands that have astronomical potential, but I don't think there's one of them more out of this world than Astrid and The Asteroids. Don't worry, that's the last lame attempt at a space joke I'll make. For now. Despite the band's penchant for wearing space tights, there's no jokes to be made about how impressive this Astrid and The Asteroids are, especially when you consider their young shelf-life. They've only been on the scene for six months, but are already building a name for themselves off their vibrant and fun live performances. Team a strong live presence with a booming vocalist and five talented musicians and you've got yourselves a winning combination.

That previously mentioned booming vocalist is Astrid Jorgensen. You know, the Astrid in Astrid and The Asteroids. Backing up our leading lady are Lachlan Bell on guitar, Parmis Rose on keys, Gene Stevens on drums (I want to call you Gene Simmons), Kirsten Baade on bass and Evyn Arnfield on trumpet. Six months together and they're already acting like a cohesive unit, if their infectious debut EP Horoscopes is anything to go by. Featuring six slices of delicious 'cosmic pop' (their words), Horoscopes is an incredibly easy EP to fall for. An excellent introduction to what the group is capable of, a showcase for an exciting new voice on the Australian music scene and, best of all, a distinct lack of pretentiousness and entitlement that just oozes off many new bands today.


Opening with the bouncy jam 'Free,' you're immediately drawn in by Astrid, both vocally and lyrically. The lyrics are deeper than the music would suggest, but if words aren't your thing (I don't know why they wouldn't be), just get into the groove of the music as Evyn shines on the trumpet. 'Diderot' blends through genres. I wouldn't call you crazy for pointing out ska, country and jazz elements throughout the verses, while the chorus feels much more grunge inspired. Jorgensen's chameleon voice blends through the styles with ease, really grabbing your attention alongside Bell and Stevens in the edgier chorus. The title track is the EPs true standout moment. More of a traditional ballad, the band slows down the pace and brings Parmis' keys to the forefront to work in tandem with Astrid. When the EP gets out into the big, bad world a bit more, expect a lot of attention to be directed at 'Horoscope.' Another piano ballad, 'Electric Ceiling,' follows and it gives us another reason to celebrate. Astrid's vocal line soars to beautiful heights and falls to breathtaking lows. She has wonderful control of her instrument. Ending on an 'up' is always good for an EP and 'Evolution' brings the full band back in for one last triumphant moment. Everyone gets their moment to shine and you're left wanting to hear a whole lot more from Astrid and The Asteroids.

What can you do now, dear readers? You can go get yourselves a copy of the Horoscopes EP on iTunes! Trust me when I say you won't regret it. Then, find out all you can about Astrid and The Asteroids by checking out the links below!

Read more:

Official Website
JJJ Unearthed

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