#6 - Melissa Auf Der Maur
of Hole (1994 - 1999)
Smashing Pumpkins (2000)
Hand of Doom (2002)
Who? I'm assuming that's what many of you might have said when you saw some weird name in the number 6 slot. Let me introduce you to Melissa Auf Der Maur, bonafide rock star. Following the death of Hole bassist Kristen Pfaff, Billy Corgan (of the Smashing Pumpkins) recommended young flame haired bassist Auf Der Maur to Courtney Love. Initially passing up the offer to join one of the hottest bands at the time, Auf Der Maur reconsidered and joined just in time to record Celebrity Skin and catapult Hole into awesomeness. Melissa would get to test her vocals, as she supported Love during her stint with the band.
After completing her 5 year contract with Hole, Melissa would go on tour with The Smashing Pumpkins before forming an all female Black Sabbath tribute band, Hand of Doom, in 2002. She then turned her attention to a solo album, Auf Der Maur (2004), which was released to critical acclaim and saw her tour extensively on the metal circuit. Unfortunately it wouldn't be a commercial success, and follow up album Out of Our Minds was plagued with delays.
So, is time spent in two of the biggest bands in the history of rock and a stellar debut album enough to warrant such a high placing on the list? Add in the fact that her personality, presence and fashion scream rock and I think it's more than enough. If you're not convinced, have a good listen to her tracks and then tell me she doesn't deserve her spot. I suggest you start with 'Followed the Waves.' Amazing song, amazing video.
Key Tracks: 'Celebrity Skin,' 'Malibu,' 'Awful' and 'Use Once & Destroy' (Celebrity Skin); 'Followed the Waves,' 'Taste You,' 'Real a Lie,' 'Skin Receiver,' 'Lightning Is My Girl' and 'My Foggy Notion' (Auf Der Maur); 'Out of Our Minds' and 'This Would Be Paradise' (Out of Our Minds).
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