
Friday, 9 April 2010

Don't You Forget About Me #1 - Beautiful Child

Don't You Forget About Me will be a semi-regular feature that I want to run on My Kind of Scene that aims to spark a new interest in songs that many may have forgotten. It could be older than old or something quite new that I fear might be a little overlooked. Whatever it is, I urge you to give the tracks a listen... you might fall in love with a song all over again, you might remember exactly why you really didn't like that song, or you might even find something you've never heard before. For the first edition I've chosen 'Beautiful Child' by Fleetwood Mac. Enjoy!

Fleetwood Mac - Beautiful Child

Fleetwood Mac have an extensive catalogue of hits to their name going all the way back to the 1970s. Everyone knows the big hits; 'Go Your Own Way,' 'Dreams,' 'Rhiannon,' 'Gold Dust Woman,' 'Landslide.' So it's really no surprise that 'Beautiful Child,' a track from their supersized third album Tusk has been overlooked during the past twenty years. Actually, it's not a surprise, it's pretty much a major shock that this song isn't as popular as any of the more famous tracks listed above.

It starts off slow, a simple piano melody accompanied by acoustic guitar. Stevie Nicks' soft, smokey voice enters and sets up the scene. Young girl falls for older man, but it's a love that's not to be. It's all about escalation from here on in. Everything keeps building up, Nicks' voice becomes more powerful, the drums are being hit just a fraction harder, but never does it feel like it's too much. Clocking in at over five minutes you have time to really invest yourself in just how beautiful this song really is. I can't put into words how much I love everything about this song, the lyrics, the emotion and desperation that Stevie Nicks can put into her voice and that simple little piano melody that remains throughout. Listen to the song from beginning to end, it's five minutes of your day but it's well worth the investment. The recorded version is flawless, but I've posted a live version so you can check out just how effortless Fleetwood Mac make performing look.

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